A1SRM-LN7F/LN5F Series Motherboard User’s Manual
ZQ Calibration
When this feature is set to Enabled, commands to calibrate DRAM output drivers
will be issued so that ZQ Calibration will be performed during a system boot or
system reset. The options are
and Disabled
Propagate Errors to Cores (BMCMODE)
Use this feature to configure the Bunit Machine Check Mode to propagate error to
cores. The options are Enabled
CMD Rate (Command Rate)
Use this feature to set the CMD rate, which is the number of clock cycles needed
for the memory to send data. The options are
, 1N, 2N
and 3N.
Out-of-Order Memory Processing
Select Enabled to support Out-of-Order Memory Processing, which is a process
used by a computer to retrieve instructions from its memory to improve CPU per-
formance. The options are
and Disabled.
Out-of-Order Aging Threshold
In a multi-core architecture, the DRAM system in a computer processes multiple
threads or streams of requests from the In_Order (FIFO: First_In_First_Out) queue
and the Out_of_Order queue in the interleaved/interconnect mode. This feature
allows the user to specify the maximum number of requests to be processed for
the same order before the system moves on and process the next thread of re-
quests in the "Out_Of_Order" queue while in the "Out_of_Order" cycle. Once the
"Out_of_Order" cycle expires, the system will move to the "In_Order" cycle and
starts to process the requests in the "In-Order" queue. The default setting is
New Request Bypass
Select Enabled for the system to skip the process currently in progress and process
a new request immediately. The options are
and Disabled.
Dynamic Self Refresh
Select Enabled to support Dynamic Self-Refreshing for the onboard memory control-
ler. The options are
and Disabled.
PMOP Value for PCO
Use the keyboard to enter the Opcode value for the SPID Power Mode. The default
setting is
PMOP Value for PCX
Use the keyboard to enter the PCX value for the SPID Power Mode. The default
setting is
Rank Margin Tool
Select Enabled to enable Rank Margin Tool support. The op-
tions are Enabled