Appendix D: Dual Boot Block
D-2 Configuring LAN Mode in IPMI Web GUI
The A1SRM-LN7F/LN5F Series also offer out-of-band remote control of the LAN
mode change.
Once you are connected to the motherboard’s IPMI IP address via any internet
browser, the following IPMI login screen will display:
1. Enter your Username and Password and click <Login>. The manufacturer
default username and password are ADMIN/ADMIN. Be sure to change your
password for security purpose.
Hovering over “Miscellaneous” on the menu bar will bring a drop-down menu,
and click on “LAN Mode Control” to display the available LAN pair operating
mode options.
3. Make your selection(s) and click <Save> to save and apply the new LAN Pair
4. The new settings will take effect immediately and update the Default LAN Pair
mode as such.