A+ Server AS -2114GT-DNR User's Manual
MAC Network Configuration
Submenus allow the user to set a new ID, Priority, add a new VLAN or remove an existing
VLAN at the address specified.
iSCSI Configuration
iSCSI Initiator Name
This feature allows the user to enter the unique name of the iSCSI Initiator in IQN format.
Once the name of the iSCSI Initiator is entered into the system, configure the proper settings
for the following items.
Add an Attempt
Delete Attempts
Change Attempt Order
Intel I350 Gigabit Network Connection
Port Configuration Menu
Blink LEDs (range 0-15 seconds
Set to blink LEDs for the specifies duration (uo to 15 seconds).
Port Configuration Information
UEFI Driver
Adapter PBA
Chip Type
PCI Device ID
PCI Bus:Device:Function:
Link Status
Factory MAC Address
Alternate MAC Address
TLS Authenticate Configuration
This submenu allows the user to configure Transport Layer Security (TLS) settings.