personalized workout edits
swim workout
This page allows you to create a personalized
training drill. Simply draw the desired workout
pattern on the screen and/or adjust each
individual step to the desired intensity.
The duration of the 20 available steps will be
adjusted to fit the duration selected on the
main screen.
When you press the Start button, the preparation
counter appears and starts to decrement,
allowing the swimmer to get in position before the
swimming session starts. From there, you can
press Pause to suspend or Stop to interrupt the
swim session and return to the main swim page.
The keypad can also be put in sleep mode by
pressing the sleep icon located at the top right
of the screen in order to prevent water from
splashing on the keypad and inadvertently
stopping the swim session.
During the workout session, a summary of the
session is shown.
When the personalized pattern is completed,
press Confirm to save your changes and return
to the swim window.
You can also press Cancel at any time to exit
without saving your modifications.
Personalized training drills can also be renamed
by clicking the pencil icon located to the right of
the workout name.
A swimmer icon is also displayed on the screen
and will move toward the right as the swim
session progresses.
A yellow countdown decreases during the warm
up portion of the swim session while the set
workout time is displayed on the right.
Once the warm up timer reaches zero,
the workout session begins and will follow
the selected training drill, shown on screen.
The workout timer on the right will start to
decrease as the elapsed workout time,
displayed to the left of the screen, increases.
When the workout program is completed,
the swimmer enters the cooldown portion of
the session, displayed in light blue.
The elapsed workout time remains on the left and
a light blue timer starts incrementing on the right,
indicating the time spent in cooldown.
training drills
The Training Drills selection page allows you to choose the desired workout drill.
The currently selected drill is highlighted and has a green checkmark.
To select another drill, simply scroll through the list and click on its name.
In this training drill,
the swimming workout
will be executed at a
constant intensity for
the entire duration.
This training drill
will perform high and
low intensity intervals
of equal step time.
This training drill
will perform a series
of equal steps at
random intensities.
This training drill
will perform two
successive steps at
high intensity for one
step at low intensity.
This training drill
will perform a
“pyramid” program
where the intensity
will progressively
increase until the
maximum is reached.
It will then decrease
progressively to end
at low intensity.
Three personalized
training drills are
available and can be
edited to create a cust
om workout pattern.
To edit a personalized
training drill, touch the
pencil icon at the right
end of the desired
personalized drill to
open the training drill
edit window.
direct to function
selection wheel:
on/off -
speakers -
source -
bluetooth -
mute / last track / play/pause / next track
mode selection
audio mode
audio mode
(only available if the system detects a connected in.stream 2 audio station)
To select the audio mode, slide the left wheel up or down until the audio icon menu is highlighted in the middle.
In the Audio page you can access the following:
• in.stream 2 on/off
• audio source selector
• speaker calibration
• disconnect bluetooth
To select an item, slide the right wheel until the desired icon is highlighted in the middle.
speakers setting
audio source selector
disconnect bluetooth
turn in.stream 2 ON
(icon red)
Slide the right wheel until the power on/off icon
is highlighted in the middle. Press the icon at the
center of the screen to turn in.stream 2 on.
to modify your speaker settings
Slide the right wheel until the speaker calibration
icon is highlighted in the middle.
You can adjust:
• balance
• fade
• subwoofer
Use the sliders to change the speaker settings at
the desired level.
The fade and subwoofer sliders will only appear
on the screen if the corresponding speakers are
installed on the in.stream 2.
turn in.stream 2 OFF
(icon green)
Press the icon at the center of the screen to turn
in.stream 2 off.
to select an audio source
Slide the right wheel until the source icon is
highlighted in the middle.
In the menu list, the following sources are
• Bluetooth
• FM
• Aux. 1
Simply select the desired one to use.
Note that only the sources installed on the
in.stream 2 will be displayed in the source menu.
Please note that the Play/Pause and Change
Track functions apply to devices using Bluetooth
technology and USB, and will not work when AUX
is selected as the source.
main display
Press Play / Pause to start or pause playback of
audio files.
Drag the volume slider to adjust the volume or tap
the mute button to mute or unmute sound.
Press the last track or next track buttons to go to
the previous song or skip to the next.
If a device with Bluetooth technology is connected
to the in.stream 2, you can disconnect it by
pressing the Disconnect key at the bottom of the
Doing so will also prevent the in.stream 2 from
automatically reconnecting to this specific device
until it has been reconnected using the device