Owner’s Manual Original Language – Lavina
When transporting cylinders to a propane dealer
or to a job, make sure the cylinders are securely
fastened and standing in an upright position with
the service valve closed.
A cylinder rattling around in the back of a vehicle
and banging into other objects constitutes a
hazard. Avoid dropping or banging cylinders
against sharp objects.
The propane cylinders are sturdily
constructed but a series of hard jolts could
cause damage.
Please note that any cylinder that has been filled is
always considered full, no matter how little propane
gas remains in it. This is because even when all
liquid has evaporated into vapor there is still some
propane gas vapor left in the cylinder. Because this
remaining fuel is flammable, an empty cylinder
should be treated with the same careful procedures
as one that is filled to the 80% level with liquid
propane. The only time that a cylinder is considered
empty is when it is new, before it has been filled
with propane.
When transporting a propane powered floor
machine, the propane cylinder may be
strapped onto the machine as long as the
machine itself is firmly secured in the
Of course, spare cylinders should always be
secured in an upright position.