Fig. A CLOUD 9 SMOKER Remote Control Timer
NOTE: To operate without the timer functions you must turn to the full position the period and the percent controls.
The period control activates the
smoke output length of time
(0 to 20 minutes) indicated by
the green led.
Smoke output percentage adjustment
from 5 to 100% of the period adjustment
indicated by the yellow led.
ex.: if the period control is adjusted at 10 min.
(12 o’clock) and the percentage control is also
adjusted at (12 o’clock) the production of
smoke (on) will be for 5 min. and smoke (off)
5 min.
The (ready) green led indicates
that the CLOUD 9 SMOKER is
ready to produce smoke
The (smoke on/off) switch will activate
the green led when smoke is being
The (on) switch, when turned on
activates the red led indicating that
the unit is powered and that the
heating cycle has started.
The yellow led (heat) indicator has 2 functions
1) The led will turn on and off from time to
time to indicate heat on and off.
2) The led may also blink if a fail mode is
Timer functions
Green led indicates
smoke time (on)
Yellow led indicates
smoke time (off)