Single Gas Sensor Module (SGSM)
Operations Manual
Super Systems Inc.
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Page 22 of 51
Select the output value that you wish to calibrate (Zero Output 1, Span Output 1, Zero Output
2, or Span Output 2).
Press “Prep for Cal” to enter calibration mode.
With a calibrated multimeter, measure the mA value of the corresponding output.
Enter the measured value into the “Entered Measured value” field on the webpage and
press “Calibrate”. Note: The zero output signal from the analyzer will always be
approximately 4 mA even if the output has been configured for a 0 – 20 mA range.
Note: The common (“Com”) terminal of the output is the positive side of the mA signal and the
“1” or “2” terminals of the output are the negative side of the mA signal.
Figure 8 - Output Calibration Page
Sensor Calibration
To ensure accurate readings, the gas sensor must be calibrated at the low end and high end of
the measured gas composition range. Never perform a span calibration without first
performing a zero calibration. Performing only a zero or span calibration will also cause the
sensor to give an erroneous reading. The gas flow through the sensor must be carefully
controlled in order to maximize the accuracy of the sensor. The flow of gas during calibration
needs to be the same as the sample gas flow during normal operation. That flow is generally 1
to 2 cfh, but may be different for each application. SSi suggests that this device should be
calibrated on a routine basis, such as once a year or as prescribed by the user’s quality system
Connect the gas to the “Cal Gas Inlet” on the side of the SGA enclosure and open the valve. It is
recommended to let everything (gas and SGA) sit for approximately thirty minutes to allow the
temperature to achieve equilibrium.