Single Gas Sensor Module (SGSM)
Operations Manual
Super Systems Inc.
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Sensor Information
The Sensor Information page displays information that is useful for SSi technicians and
engineers when troubleshooting.
Ref Vdc: Voltage present value (PV) of the NDIR reference channel.
Gas Vdc: Voltage PV of the NDIR sensing channel.
Gas Temperature: There is a thermistor located in the gas stream of the unit to measure
the temperature of the sample gas. This measurement is used for compensation of the
IR reading.
Amb. Temperature: There is a thermistor located inside of the SGSM enclosure
measuring the temperature inside the enclosure.
Gas Pressure: Gas pressure measured inside of the NDIR chamber.
Zero Ref. Vdc: Voltage PV of the NDIR reference channel during a zero calibration.
Zero Gas Vdc: Voltage PV of the NDIR sensing channel during a zero calibration.
Zero Gas Temperature: This is the temperature of the zero gas at the time of the zero
gas calibration.
Span Ref. Vdc: Voltage PV of the NDIR reference channel during a span calibration.
Span Gas Vdc: Voltage PV of the NDIR sensing channel during a span calibration.
Span Gas Temperature: This is the temperature of the span gas at the time of the span
gas calibration.
Span Target %: This is the user entered value of the span gas percentage during the
span gas calibration.
Span Multiplier: This is a diagnostic tool for internal use only.
Note that this is for diagnostic use only. Call SSi at (513) 772-0060 with questions.
Figure 5 - Sensor Information Page