To change the alarm transmit code on the TA44T transmitter follow the steps below:
1. Make sure an alarm condition is not present.
2. Press and hold both the UP and DOWN buttons for about 5 seconds, until the unit
3. Let go of the buttons. The unit displays Pr, indicating that a new, random, alarm
code has been programmed into the unit.
To restore the unit to the factory default code, follow the steps below.
1. Make sure an alarm condition is not present.
2. Press and hold both the UP and DOWN buttons for about 5 seconds, until the unit
displays - - .
3. Continue holding the UP and DOWN buttons for 5 seconds more, until the unit
displays dF, indicating that factory default code has been restored.
4. Let go of the buttons.
Once the TA44T transmitter has been programmed with a new code, one or more R10
receivers have to be programmed with this code to receive the alarm message.
To synchronize the R10 receiver code to the TA44T transmitter code follow the steps below.
1. Make sure an alarm condition is not present. If possible, turn off any other TA44T
transmitters operating at the location.
2. On the R10 receiver, press and hold the Silence button until the Power and Alarm
indicators start to flash.
3. Let go of the Silence button.
4. On the TA44T transmitter press the SILENCE button for about 1 second and then
release it. The Power and Alarm indicators on the R10 should stop flashing and
the Alarm indicator will turn off.
The R10 receiver is now matched to the transmitter. To test communication, press and hold
the SILENCE button on the TA44T transmitter. The R10 should sound an alarm. Release the
SILENCE button on the TA44T transmitter. The R10 alarm should go off. If the test has failed,
repeat the synchronization procedure, from step 1.
TA44T Temperature alarm base unit with wireless transmitter.
Remote alarm wireless receiver.
SW25 25’ Extension Wire
SW50 50’ Extension Wire
SW75 75’ Extension Wire
SW100 100’ Extension Wire
Phone Dialer
TA44 Manual.indd 6
5/8/2012 4:39:17 PM
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