Single Set Point Temperature Alarm With Digital Display
and Remote Wireless Alarm
Designed specifically for...
...or any area where temperature change is critical.
The TA44T Temperature Alarm is a single point or threshold type of temperature alarm.
This type of temperature alarm monitors the temperature at the sensor probe tip and when this
temperature passes above (or below) the set point, the unit will execute a preset operation.
The unit’s display shows the current temperature, the alarm set point temperature, the alarm
state, and the mode of operation of the unit (over temperature or under temperature alarm).
When the probe temperature reaches the set point, the unit will display its state as follows:
• In delayed alarm state the ALARM icon and the Bell will flash.
• In the alarm state the ALARM icon and the Bell will remain solid. The Bell clapper will
flash. Audible alarm will sound and the N.O. relay contacts will close. The unit will
transmit an alarm code to the wireless receiver, causing the remote receiver to activate
its audible alarm.
• If the Silence button is pressed during alarm condition, the audible alarm will turn off
and the N.O. relay contacts will open. The Silence button on the TA44T does not turn
off the audible alarm on the remote receiver. To turn off the audible alarm on the remote
receiver, push the remote receiver’s Silence button.
This unit also has a concealed slide switch that allows for the alarm to be activated
immediately when the temperature has met the alarm threshold, if desired.
TA44 Manual.indd 2
5/8/2012 4:39:15 PM
Distributed by MicroDAQ.com, Ltd. www.MicroDAQ.com (603) 746-5524