8.2 Entry of calibration mode
8.2.1 Pressing simultaneously allows entering calibration mode,
and pressing
at any time allows backing to the measurement mode.
8.2.2 In entering the calibration mode, the display
shows the previous calibration OS (null-point potential)
value. Pressing allow entering the next page.
8.2.3 The display shows the previous calibration
SLP (Slope) value. Pressing allow entering the
calibration menu.
8.2.4 Use or to select
CA1, Ct1 or Cn1
and press for confirmation. The preset is Ct1
Buffer calibration.
1. Ct1:
Refer to TECH. Buffer: pH2.00, pH4.01, pH7.00, pH10.00, and
pH12.00 (pH2.00 and pH12.00 are for PC-3100RS only.)
2. Cn1: Refer to NIST. Buffer: pH1.68, pH4.01, pH6.86, pH9.18, and
pH12.46 (pH1.68 and pH12.46 are for PC-3100RS only.)
3. CA1: Refer to Asymmetry Buffer, for dual-point or three-point
calibration only.
4. Ct1 and Cn1 of PC-3100RS can apply three-point calibration, but must
in sequence from high to low, or from low to high.