932060 Rev. A
E n g l i s h
W a r n i n g s : F o r S a f e U s e
1. Each person who helps you should read and follow the warnings “For Safe Use” (Sec-
tion VII).
2. Do not try to climb or descend a kerb or step alone UnLESS you are a skilled user of
this chair and:
a. You can safely do a “wheelie”; and
b. You are sure you have the strength and balance to do so.
3. Unlock and rotate anti-tip tubes up, out of the way, so they do not interfere.
4. Do not try to climb a high kerb or step (more than 100 mm high) UnLESS you have
help. Doing so may cause your chair to exceed its balance point and tip over.
5. Go straight up and straight down a kerb or step. If you climb or descend at an angle,
a fall or tip-over is likely.
6. Be aware that the impact of dropping down from a kerb or step can damage your
chair or loosen fasteners.
If you fail to heed these warnings, damage to your chair, a fall, tip-over or loss of control may occur
and cause severe injury to the user or others.
1. Do not use this chair for going up or down stairs.
2. Persons who help you should read and follow the warnings “For Attendants (page
11) and “For Safe Use” (Section VII).
If you fail to heed these warnings, damage to your chair, a fall, tip-over or loss of control may occur
and cause severe injury to the user or others.
nEVER use this chair on an escalator, even with an attendant. If you do, a fall or tip-
over is likely.
If you fail to heed these warnings, damage to your chair, a fall, tip-over or loss of control may occur
and cause severe injury to the user or others.
Before you assist a user, be sure to read the warnings “For Attendants” (page 11) and
follow all instructions that apply. Be aware that you will need to learn safe methods
best suited to your abilities.
Follow these steps to help a user descend a kerb or single step going BACKWARDS:
1. Assess your ability to control the chair and the user before attempting to assist
descending a kerb.
2. Stay at the rear of the chair.
3. A few metres before you reach the edge of the kerb or step, turn the chair around
and pull it backward.
4. While looking over your shoulder, carefully step back until you are off the kerb or
stair and standing on the lower level.
5. Pull the chair toward you until the rear wheels reach the edge of the kerb or step.
Then allow the rear wheels to slowly roll down onto the lower level.
6. When the rear wheels are safely on the lower level, tilt the chair back to its balance
point. This will lift the front casters off the kerb or step.
7. Keep the chair in balance and take small steps backward. Turn the chair around and
gently lower front casters to the ground.
If you fail to heed these warnings, damage to your chair, a fall, tip-over or loss of control may occur