8/9HM 8/9TM__________________________________________________________________
8/9HM 8/9TM User Manual Page 38
8.8 Miscellaneous options
Anti tip levers
Anti tip levers can be fitted to restrict the wheelchair from tipping
backwards. They are fitted onto the existing tipping levers at the rear
of the wheelchair.
They can be adjusted for height by turning the lock lever and raising
or lowering the tube with the wheels fitted in increments of 25mm
(1”). When the desired position has been reached then release the
lock lever and ensure that it engages in the nearest hole and locks
the tube.
Seek advice from your healthcare professional on this issue.
The position of the wheels can also be changed, by moving them to one of the other two
alternative positions.
Removing the securing screws and reposition the wheel to an alternative position.
Replace the screws and tighten to 6-10Nm.
The anti tip levers may need to be raised when climbing kerbs.
The use of anti tip levers may also affect wheelchair stability.
Table trays
The armrest of the wheelchair can be reversed from front
to back and swapped from left hand to right hand to
allow a table type tray to be fitted into the rear armrest
vertical tube.
To fit the tray mounting tubes reverse the armrests as
above, pull the cord to remove the rear plastic plug from
the armrest socket. Insert the tray tubes into the vertical
armrest tubes. A thumb can be fitted into the nut on the
vertical tube of the armrest to allow the tray-mounting
bracket to be lowered or raised.
The thumbscrews under the tray allow it to be moved
forward and backwards. Tighten all thumbscrews securely
after slackening.
Trays should only be used when the wheelchair is
static and the brakes applied.
The use of trays may also affect wheelchair stability.
Seek advice from your healthcare professional if you feel the device is unstable in
any way.
Table tray
Fitted tray