8/9HM 8/9TM__________________________________________________________________
8/9HM 8/9TM User Manual Page 14
It is recommended that any adjustments to your wheelchair brakes be made by
suitably trained or qualified personnel.
Attendant operated hub brakes
If fitted hub or drum brakes operate on certain type of self-propelling and transit type wheels.
These allow the attendant to operate the brakes and control the brakes whilst moving e.g. uphill
or downhill as well as being used as a parking brake when the wheelchair is stationary.
To operate these brakes: -
Grip the lever handles at the rear of the backrest on the push handle and squeeze gently to
operate the brakes. The handles have a locking mechanism which operates to lock the brake
when it is squeezed to keep the brakes applied or have a thumb pin which when pushed inwards
lock the brakes on.
To release the brakes: -
Gently squeeze the handles and the flip the lock trigger off. Take
care when releasing the brakes to ensure that the wheelchair is not
going to go out of control by holding the push handles securely e.g.
when on a slope.
Squeeze the lever to
operate the hub brakes