You would be prompted to install the web plugin of the camera if you are using Internet Explorer.
Alternatively, you are able to manually download the web plugin from Sunba website:
2.3 Guard Station Client Tool (Mac & Windows)
Install Guard Station client.
Default Username: admin
Default password: 123456
Default Username: admin
Default password: 123456
You can login using the credential above and set a customized password later.
Chrome and Firefox are Plug-in free (in both Mac and Windows system) , but doesn’t currently support
record playback in browser. More browser integration will be supported through future firmware
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Then you can go to web browser and input the url address of the camera with the “
” prefix.
For example,
The client credential is set to protect
unauthorized access to the surveil-
lance software/data, and is NOT the
same credential for the IP camera.