EFP-LC TypeE Supplementary manual
(For RX66T)
Erase command
Erasing MCU built-in ROM.
Format :
E,,[lock bit form]
;all area erase
E,[Block End address],[Lock bit form]
;block erase
E,[Block Start address], [Block End address], [Lock bit form]
;Erase of continuous block
* Block Start address : Start address of the block to erase.
* Block End address : End address of the block to erase.
* Lock bit form : 0 : effective, 1 : invalidity
Description example:
;all area erase
;One block erase
;Erase Consecutive Blocks
All erase erases the user area and data area. The user boot area is not erased.
In one block erase, only the specified block can be erased.
When erasing multiple consecutive blocks, it is possible to batch erase multiple blocks in the specified range by
specifying the start address and end address.
If the lock bit format is enabled, only unlocked blocks are erased. Locked blocks are not erased.
If lock bit format invalid is selected, it will be erased regardless o f the lock / unlock status.
* A protection error will occur if block erasure prohibition of the protection function is enabled or in areas where TM
(trusted memory) is set.
* If all erase is executed while TM is set, all areas except the TM setting area will be erased. No error occurs.