Maintenance and Cleaning
position on the wall!
Water circuit (min. ½”, max. ¾”) has to be installed according to the following:
Install non-return valve
water filter
Install automatic vent valve:
must be at highest point of circuit in a
(black knurled screw has to be in open position!)
safety valve
Install SUEVIA Drinking Bowls into the circuit connected at the top and the bottom
relief valve
shut-off valve
Install manual ventilation valve
Mount non-return flap with compression couplings (by customer),
minimum distance from heating apparatus 0,5m - maximal 1,0 m -> note direction flow!
Install Flow control Ref. 101.0309
Install return flow temperature sensor
Mount heating cable in non-Frost-protected areas or in draughty locations.
Insulate pipes
minimum thickness 30 mm, heat conductivity
Mount bite protection
nstall residual-current protective device.
System must be used with a separate 30 mA residual-current protective device (RCD)
The Heating Unit must be mounted in a vertical
( 3)
(18) Install
( 7)
( 6) Install
(10) Install
(11) Install
( 8)
( 9)
0,04 /
(12) I
Unit location:
Installation must be in a
dry, frost- and draught-protected
room and at an accessible height.
Insulation of complete pipe system is indispensible,
-> minimum thickness 30 mm, heat conductivity
Water line has to be insulated against condensation water and heat loss.
Water connection:
Water entrance ¾”, Circuit piping min
½”, max. ¾”,
Water pressure has to be between min.1 bar ( 14 psi) - max.4 bar (58 psi)!
If water pressure is lower than recommended, install a pressure accumulator.
If water pressure is higher than recommended, install a pressure reduction valve.
Circuit length
Length of the insulated water tube system incl. all return pipes should
not exceed 200 m!
Circulation pump
Circulation pump must run on
positon 3
Circulation pump has to be bled.
The height difference between entry and return pipeline
should not exceed 5 meters.
Functional capability of Circulation pump has to be constantly checked!
Application field:
SUEVIA Heating Unit Pulstronic 2011 Mod. 313
is exclusively thought to keep water pipes
frost-free in stables for animals.
It can only be used for warming up water, other liquids are not allowed!
Pipe insulation:
0,04 /
- Never use heating unit without water!
- Heating Unit has to bleed regularly once per month.
! Attention: hot water may escape!
- Heating unit has to be thoroughly cleaned and decalcified at least twice per year
If required several times per year : frequency depends on local water hardness and quality,
Each type of water segregates and deposits incrustations and lime when high temperatures are given.
These deposit in the heating unit and have a negative impact on functioning and product life.
Therefore it is indispensable to decalcify the heating unit and heating element
from time to time.
That is
the reason why an antiliming unit should be placed before the circuit starts in case of hard water
1) Remove lime carefully from heating unit.
For cleaning purposes the heating unit has to be separated from mains current!
Put operating switch on
Turn off water flow.
Drain water line (pos. 10) completely.
Remove pump.
2) Screw in plugs 1¼“ (not delivered, on site).
3) Take out ventilation screw.
4) Fill in approx. 0,5 l of cleaner or decalcifier respectively, e.g. vinegar essence.
5) Let it sink in and work.
-> Residence time depends on type of cleaner and level of fouling.
6) Unscrew Closing Plug, collect cleaner and clean it up environmentally acceptable.
In case of tough dirt (minerals/rust/lime) clean heating tube with bottle brush.
Drain and scour heating unit with clear water.
7) Assemble the parts in reverse order.
Start-up of heating unit (see first start-up).
! Attention has to be paid to the fact that in
case of drainage hot water can escape!
7 = Assemble the parts in reverse order!
30 - 240 min