© STULZ GmbH – all rights reserved EN/09.2019/G41
cybercool 2 screw original insTrUcTions
Alarm message
Cause for alarm
EEV #: Stepper
motor error
The control module has detect
ed a malfunction of the stepper
1. Cable breakage or faulty contact Check cable and contacts.
2. Stepper motor defective.
Replace expansion valve.
eev# reliability
alarm (Carel EVd)
The C7000 controller can not
reach the valve by the Modbus
Bus connection to the valve faulty.
Check bus connection.
Pump # failure
Pump power interruptor (evtl.
also the internal pump fault
detection) has triggered.
Current too high.
Shortcircuit in the cable.
Pump motor defective.
Check pump motor on voltage conti
nuity and current consumption. Check
watertemp. inlet #
too high
The adjusted limit value has
been exceeded.
1. Setpoint adjusted too high.
Check setpoint setting.
2. Thermal load by consumer is too
high (with flow water control).
Check control mode.
watertemp. inlet #
too low
The actual value is below the
adjusted limit value.
1. Setpoint adjusted too low.
Check setpoint setting.
2. Thermal load by consumer is too
low (with flow water control).
Check control mode.
watertemp. outlet #
too high
The adjusted limit value has
been exceeded.
1. Setpoint adjusted too high.
Check setpoint setting.
2. Evaporator soiled on water side.
(possibly in combination with return
water control)
Check heat transmission at the evap
orator by checking the temperature
difference between flow water temp.
and evaporation temperature.
3. Condenser coil soiled on air
side. Air inlet temperature too high.
(possibly in combination with return
water control)
Check heat transmission at the
condenser by checking the temper-
ature difference between outdoor
air temperature and condensation
watertemp. outlet #
too low
The actual value is below the
adjusted limit value.
Setpoint adjusted too low.
Check setpoint setting.
Phase error
Phase monitoring device has
detected an error.
Phase failure.
Check the voltage supply.
Water flow alarm
The water flow is less than the
limit value set in the flow switch
for minimum flow.
1. All pumps have failed.
Check pump operation.
2. Leakage in the water circuit.
Check hydraulic circuit on tightness.
3. Air in the water circuit.
Purge the circuit by the vent valves.
The unit no longer participates
in the bus communication.
The bus wiring is defective or incor
rectly connected.
Check the bus wiring.
A bus address has been
assigned twice.
One of the two identical bus addresses
must be changed.
External alarm in #
No voltage is present at the
digital input for the external
alarm #.
1. An external device has triggered
a signal.
Depending on the type of message.
2. Cable breakage or faulty contact. Check wiring.
# stands for a number in case of several components of the same kind.