Appendix B: Maintenance Menu: Error Codes and Digital Inputs
21 = Head left load cell is out of range: load cell may be disconnected, faulty or scale board is faulty.
For errors 18 to 21, first proceed to a visual inspection to detect any stuck or broken cable. If there
seems to be no visible problem, then try to invert two load cells on the scale connectors. This will
help to find if the load cell or the scale board is faulty. After inversion, if the error changes, the
problem is with the load cell. Replace the load cell. However, if the error stays on the same channel,
then the problem is with the scale board. Replace scale board. In both cases, the bed has to be
Digital Inputs
The second row numbers represent the state of the first row inputs:
1 = Active
0 = Inactive
Each letter of the first row is an input on the AC control board:
A = Dip switch 1 on the AC control board; reserved for future use.
B = Dip switch 2 on the AC control board; reserved for future use.
C = Dip switch 3 on the AC control board; reserved for future use.
D = Dip switch 4 on the AC control board; reserved for future use.
E = CPR, limit switch
F = Auto contour limit switch on Knee Gatch section
G = Auto contour limit switch on head section
H = Under bed obstruction, limit switch (optional)
I = Limit switch for cardiac chair head up (head actuator reaches high position)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0