Space and Component Location Planning
Chapter 3
Space and Component Location
This chapter describes the space and location requirements for an ftServer V 2302,
V 4304, or V 6308 system and its external components. As you plan the site, make
sure that you locate external components so that all cords and cables between them
and the system can reach their connection points.
This chapter describes the requirements for the following connections:
“Fibre Channel Connections” on page 3-2
“Component Location and Cabling Summary” on page 3-3
“Room Requirements” on page 3-5
“Creating a Floor Plan” on page 3-9
RSN Connections
ftServer V Series modules require a connection to the Remote Service Network (RSN),
which allows the CAC to remotely diagnose, troubleshoot, and resolve problems
online. The connection to the RSN is implemented through an
RSN bridge module
which is a module that is physically connected to the Internet or a modem (a dialup
connection).The RSN bridge module provides connectivity to the RSN for both itself
and other modules in the same system.
Stratus provides and installs the RSN console server and related components.
When the AA-E97900 console server connects to a modem, in addition to the
telephone line (which you must supply), the modem and console server use serial
(null-modem) and Ethernet cables, which Stratus provides and installs. See
“Component Location and Cabling Summary” on page 3-3
for more information about
RSN cable requirements.