and Spare Parts
This is your copy of the instructions and spare parts list for Drilling Machine. It has
been prepared for those using the machine or who are responsible for its maintenance
and service and should therefore be made readily available for all those concerned.
Read through the manual carefully before installing and starting up.
The machine is of simple design and robustly built, but we cannot guarantee perfect
function if it is incorrectly handled. It is therefore necessary to make yourself
thoroughly acquainted with the function and to carry out practical tests on the various
parts in the control system and the machine settings. Once these are mastered the
excellent properties of the machine can be fully utilized and the component parts will
give maximum service life.
Every machine is tested for accuracy and capacity at the factory. Experienced staff
check both the mechanical and electrical functions according to a standardized
programme, meaning that we can guarantee workmanship of the highest and most
consistent quality.
By following our directions and you own good judgement we are convinced that your
new machine will give every satisfaction. However, should any problems arise,
please do not hesitate to contact our dealer or us.
Safety regulations
Used correctly your machine is one of the best concerning design and safety.
However, any machine which is used incorrectly can be a safety risk. It is of vital
importance, that those who use the machine are informed how to handle it correctly.
They should read and understand these instructions as well as all plates available on
the machine. Omitment to follow the safety regulations might cause an accident.
Using the machine incorrectly can cause serious accidents.
The machine has to be installed, used and maintained correctly.