Sleep mode
If you do not use the machine for four minutes, the console will go
into sleep mode.
Two AA batteries are inserted into the console.
Basic rowing movement
Sit on the saddle and secure your feet to the pedals with Velcro straps. Then grasp
the handles of the rowing arms.
Assume the basic position, leaning forward with arms outstretched and knees bent
(Figure 1).
Lean back while straightening your back and legs (Fig. 2)
Continue this movement until you are slightly bent over, and during this stage you
should pull your arms towards your body (Figure 3). Then return to stage 2 and
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Rowing resistance
The resistance of the rowing motion can be changed using the load controller. Adjust
the resistance level according to your needs. Setting a high resistance will firm and
strengthen your muscles, but you probably won't be able to exercise as long as with a
low resistance setting, which in turn improves your fitness.
Training time
Rowing is a strenuous form of exercise and for this reason it is best to start with short
simple exercises and gradually lengthen the workouts and increase the load. Start by
rowing for approximately 5 minutes and gradually, depending on your ability, increase
the length of the workouts. Eventually you should be able to row for 15 to 20 minutes,
but don't try to achieve this too quickly.
It is recommended to train at least three times a week, preferably with an even time