P29: Temperature limit for reset of fat operating times
To allow a reset of alarm message, regulation blocking and accumulated operating time the fat
must be cooled down This paramter determines the temperature value the fat must be cooled
down to this value. This is to prevent the user from operating the deep-fryer without replacing the
fat. If a reset after warning message or blocking must be possible independently of the actual
temperature P29 must be set to 999°C. With A85=1 the reset can be permitted unconditionally.
P30: Lower alarm value
P31: Upper alarm value
The exit alarm is a boundary alarm or a range alarm with one-sided or symmetrical hysteresis (see
parameter P32 and A42). Both at the boundary alarm and the range alarm, limit values can be
relative, i.e. going along with the setpoint, or absolute, i.e. independent of the setpoint. The
operation mode is set with parameter A30. If, in case of boundary alarm and only one switching
point is required the not used second switching point should be adjusted to a value above or below
the operating range of the controller.
Boundary alarm function (see fig. 5):
The alarm contact is closed if the process
temperature is above the upper or below the
lower boundary value.
Fig. 5: Boundary alarm, rel. boundaries
Range alarm function (see fig. 6):
Opposite switching behaviour to the boundary
value alarm. The alarm contact is closed if
the actual value remains between the
boundary values.
Fig 6: Range alarm, abs. boundaries
P32: Hysteresis alarm contact
The hysteresis can be set symmetrically or one-sided at the adjusted limit values. (see A42). It
becomes effective depending on alarm definition. At one-sided setting and boundary alarm the
hysteresis is effective above the lower and below the upper limit value. At one-sided setting and
range alarm the hysteresis is effective above the upper and below the lower limit value. At
symmetrical hysteresis, half of the hysteresis’ value is effective below and half of the value above
the switching point.
P35: “Reduced heating” – heating on
This parameter determines the period of the “reduced heating” process where heating in enabled.
The sequential switching of the output relay serves for a careful heating if the fat is not yet melted.
P36: “Reduced heating” – heating off
This parameter determines the period of the “reduced heating” process where heating in disabled.
P37: End of “reduced heating” below setpoint
This parameter provides a premature cancel of the “reduced heating” process below the setpoint
(process ends at [sP37]°C).
If the sequential heating is supposed to continue until the setpoint parameter P37 is to be set to
Summary of Contents for 900219.092
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