Settings > Sound Settings > Advanced Settings
Selecting Advanced Settings
the Audio Settings screen will access
the following settings:
Defeat [ON-OFF]
When set to ON, this will defeat/bypass all
equalizer, crossover and speaker settings.
This is useful when connecting to a DSP.
Default Audio Settings [Reset]
Press to Reset all audio settings to default.
Toslink (Optical Out) [ON-OFF]
Turns variable digital output ON/OFF.
Microphone Selection [INTERNAL-EXTERNAL]
Select External if external microphone is
installed. Select Internal to use the built-in
Arrow down for additional sources
Source Gain Settings
Selecting Source Gain from the Advanced Audio
Settings will allow gain/volume adjustments for
individual sources. For example, if AM/FM is much
louder than BT Music, lower AM/FM and/or raise BT
Music to even out the volume levels.
Volume Settings
Selecting Volume Settings from the Advanced Audio
Settings will access the following Volume settings:
Start Volume [LAST-CUSTOM]
LAST will be same level as when unit was shut off.
CUSTOM will be a preset level adjusted below.
Volume Slider [0–40]
Adjusts CUSTOM volume level to a specific level.
The Volume Mode is adjustable for Bluetooth(BT),
Navigation (NAV) and Voice using the same
Reset Button
The Reset Button is located on the
lower right hand corner of the display.
To reset the unit, the power must be on,
use a paper clip or similar to push the
reset button for 2 seconds and release.
The reset will take a few minutes; do not
turn of power during this time.
Reset Button