Pos: 45 /STG-BEIKIRCH Technische Dokumentation/Installation STG/MZ3/Musterverkabelungsplan @ 1\mod_1455
6.4 Sam
Fig.: 4 Example
The valid pro
purpose mus
energy suppl
be reduced. T
sections. The
lines to the co
supply line. T
Pos: 46 /STG-BEIKIRCH Technische Dokumentation/Installation STG/MZ3/Kabelquerschnittsberechnung / Tabelle
55719423090_567.docx @ 14262 @ 2 @ 1
mple cabl
e cabling diagram
ovisions regard
st be coordinat
ly companies,
They are spec
e line cross-se
ontrol centre (
The respective
Kabelquerschnitt @ 1\mod_1455719671010_567.docx @ 14302 @ 222 @ 1
ing diagra
m for the MZ3 mo
ding cabling w
ted in every ca
fire preventio
cified for an am
ections must b
(except the ma
e VDE require
-no.: 1342499
odular control pa
with 30 min. or
ase with the c
on authorities o
mbient temper
be adapted to t
ains supply lin
ments must b
r 90 min. funct
construction m
or the trade as
rature of 20 °C
the requireme
ne) have 24 V
e observed w
Date: 0
tional integrity
management, w
ssociation. Th
C. For higher t
ents of the ma
DC and must
hen laying the
must be obse
with the local a
e specified lin
nufacturer of t
t be laid separ
e line.
erved. Deviatio
approving auth
ne cross-sectio
increase the
the cable for E
rately from the
Version: 1.7
ons for this
ons must not
E90 (E30). All
e mains