Article-no.: 13424999549
Date: 03.11.2016
Version: 1.7
LON as an SHE bus system
The LON system is a bus system, based on the LonWorks® bus technology (where
LON stands for Local Operating Network). A structure of remotely controlled
networks is made possible with the aid of this bus engineering. The basic
component is Neutron Chip from Echelon. In order to use the LON system as an
SHE unit, one essential feature must be ensured - the SHE LON must not be
coupled directly with other building management systems over an existing BUS. As
the SHE LON is a safety installation, it is important to ensure that no undesired
influences disable the SHE functions. For this reason, the STG BEIKIRCH LON
system works with its own STG BEIKIRCH LON data protocol.
The European Installation Bus (EIB) is a standard based on EN50090
that describes how with an installation, sensors and actuators must be
connected together in a building.
It sets out how sensors and actuators communicate with each other (protocol).
The three capital letter KNX denote an international standard for transferring
messages in house and building system engineering. The standard is the successor
of EIB (European Installation Bus). KNX complies with the European and
international EN 50090 and ISO/IEC 14543 standards. The networking of all
components in the building system engineering is possible with this technology -
from, heating, through lighting to the alarm system. The KNX system includes
sensors, actuators and a bus cable that connects these together. Each connected
device has its own address and communication is via 2-wire cable or wireless. The
functions are determined by parametrisation.
KNX sensors
Sensors refer to all devices for registering analogue values (temperature sensor,
brightness, movement) or binary information (switch setting, button pulses,
messages, etc.)
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