Final Assembly
Rudder servo mounts within fuselage
centered on servo rails.
Cover fuselage with a high quality, light
weight, model aircraft film such as Stevens
AeroModel’s AeroLITE.
Install HS-55 servos. Elevator servo mounts
in pocket at tail of fuselage.
Invert assembly and fold back on itself to
flatten the underside beveled surface with that
of the squared stabilizer trailing edge. Lay in
second piece of 3/4 in. wide clear tape and
trim excess to complete tape hinge.
Per “Tail Feather Assembly” instructions.
rudder and elevator should have been
prepared for tape hinge method and covered
with AeroLITE or similar film. Complete
process below for both Vertical Stabilizer /
Rudder and Horizontal Stabilizer / Elevator
assemblies (pictured).
Tip: Tape hinges are a snap if you secure
parts, with a low tack masking tape, to
Maintain a consistent 1/64 in. gap between
surfaces. Trim excess clear tape using a
sharp blade.
Repeat process above for Vertical Stabilizer
and Rudder assembly.
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