Fuselage Continued
Fit the dummy motor to the tabs on the front of the motor mount plate and against M1.
Bond the the mounting plate and M1 with thin CA.
Cabane Struts - Locate ply parts CS1 and two CS2’s. Not that the long leg of each CS2 is
marked ‘Front”. When assembling the cabane struts, ensure that the long legs are on the
same side of CS1.
Fit each CS2 to the notches in the bottom of CS1. Ensure that the long ‘Front’ legs of the
struts are on the same side, then bond with tiny drops of medium CA.
Open the four holes in the nose sheeting forward of the cockpit.
Fit the completed cabane assembly into the holes, ensuring that the long legs of the strut
are located in the front holes. Bond with tiny drops of medium CA.
Landing Gear - Refer to the detail sheet and note the differences in final bend length of the
landing gear given your wheel choice. Now, selecting the proper gear pattern for your
wheel, bend the landing gear wire over the plan on the Landing Gear Detail, using the 12 in.
length of .032 wire supplied in your kit. Proceed carefully, as accurate bends are critical for
a proper fit!
Slit the covering over the slot in the landing gear slot, and insert the landing gear wire.
Ensure that the wire is fully seated in the pocket.
Press ply part LG1 into the slot, thus retaining the landing gear wire. Ensure that LG1 is
fully seated, and that the bottom edge is flush with the bottom of the fuselage. Wick thin
CA along LG1, and at the points where the wire exits the landing gear pocket.
Ensure that
no glue enters the two recesses in the bottom edge of LG1.
Build Instructions
1911 Cuadron Build Instructions. © 2013 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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