Fuselage Continued
Connect the ‘snake bend’ of the push rod to the center hole of the elevator servo, which is
the servo farthest from the antenna.
Mount the receiver by engaging the rear edge of the circuit board with the notch in the short
arm of the receiver clip. Gently press down on the front edge of the circuit board while
gently pulling back on the long arm of the receiver clip, until the circuit board snaps into the
notch in the long arm of the clip.
You may now cover the bottom of the fuselage. Leave the area over the receiver open to
provided access for the battery.
Motor Installation - Paint balsa part M1 (located in your hardware bag) flat black. Align M1
over the etched guide lines on the front of F19, and against the bottom of the motor mount
plate. Secure by wicking thin CA between M1 and F19.
Paint the dummy radial engine flat black.
Tip! paint all of the ply parts while they are still in
the sheet of ply, as they are easier to handle this way.
Test fit the dummy engine to the tabs
on the front of the motor mount plate.
Do not bond!
If M1 interferes with the fit of the
dummy engine, carefully sand away the face of M1 until a good fit is achieved. Remove the
dummy engine and set aside.
Trim the spikes from the mounting tabs of the motor [PKZ3624] and sand the tabs smooth.
Feed the motor [PKZ3624] lead through the openings in F19, the landing gear pocket, and
F8, then into the radio compartment.
Slide the motor through the slot in F19 and onto the motor mount plate. Ensure that the
motor rest flat on the plate, and all the way back in the cut-out in the plate. This will ensure
that the motor has the correct down and right off-set for proper flying characteristics.
Ensure that the tabs at the front of the mounting plate extend beyond the motor - to allow
proper fit of the dummy engine - then secure the motor by wicking thin CA under each
mounting tab.
Build Instructions
1911 Cuadron Build Instructions. © 2013 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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