6.1. Dry er
The dry er ope ra tes with de hu mi di fied air, i.e. the air is not only hea ted but also de hu mi di fied be fo -
re flo wing into the dry ing hop per. This prin ci ple al lows plas tic gra nu les to be dried to a re si du al
moi stu re con tent as low as 0.002 % (PET gra nu la te).
The dry er ope ra tes con ti nu ous ly, i.e. de hu mi di fied and, if ne ces sa ry, hea ted air is pro du ced con -
ti nu ous ly.
The dry er is de sig ned for con ti nu ous ope ra ti on.
The dry er ope ra tes with 2 dry ing cells; one of the se cells is al ways in the dry ing cy cle whi le the ot -
her is being re ge ne ra ted (chan ge-over af ter 3 hours).
If a mal functi on oc curs in the dry ing cy cle du ring the pro gram run, re ge ne ra ti on is not in ter rup ted,
but con ti nu es un til the pro gram end has been rea ched. This gua ran tees that 1 re ge ne ra ted dry ing
cells is al ways avai la ble.
The air in si de the switch ca bi net is coo led by a coo ling ap pli an ce for the pro tec ti on of tem pe ra tu -
re-sen si ti ve com po nents (if pre sent, op tio nal).
With the di gi tal ti mer the dry er can be swit ched on and off at set ti mes.
Dew point de pen dent re ge ne ra ti on switch (op tio nal)
The dew point tem pe ra tu re is mo ni to red con ti nu ous ly. The val ve sys tem swit ches to the freshly
re ge ne ra ted dry ing cells only af ter the se lec ted dew point tem pe ra tu re has been rea ched. The hu -
mid dry ing cells are then re ge ne ra ted. Af ter the coo ling time the dry ing cells are rea dy for ope ra ti -
on again. The val ve sys tem swit ches to the freshly re ge ne ra ted dry ing cells only af ter the moi stu -
re con tent of the dry ing cells which are in the dry ing cy cle have rea ched the set point va lue.
STT 500
Functio nal des crip ti on 6-2
Summary of Contents for Sterling Dehumidifier STT 500
Page 71: ...0 2 6 2 M S STT 500 Technical Data 9 2 All dimensions are in mm in Subject to alteration...
Page 72: ...Dimension sheet 0 2 6 2 M S STT 500 Technical Data 9 3...
Page 80: ...Accessories Entering values on the OP 7 17 Sterling Material Processing B G 1 0 2 0...
Page 86: ...Accessories Flap control with Fuzzy Logic Sterling Material Processing B G 0 0 0 1...