2.3.2 Fixed Sample Counting
The user may count by the fixed sample method. This is the
Simplest counting method, and is initiated in the following manner.
1. Starting from the weighing mode, load samples on scale.
Press the ‘COUNT’ key. The current fixed sample is displayed
on the alphanumeric LCD.
2. If the ‘COUNT’ key is held down, the fixed sample value will
scroll through all possible choices. When the desired sample is
displayed, simply release the key. The available fixed sample
choices are 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100. The chosen sample now
becomes the fixed sample value.
3. The XC880A samples the weight, calculates the APW, and
enters the count mode. The data is displayed as with the
previous counting method. (see also NOTE from 2.2.1 step 1)
2.3.3 Auto Scale Select
The XC880A can be programmed to automatically switch scale
inputs between the sampling and counting scales when initiating a piece
count. The procedure below shows how to set up this feature in a multiple
scale system.
1. Press the SHIFT key followed by RESET to close any
currently open file, and place the scale in weigh mode.
2. Press the SHIFT key followed by ‘C’ (F3). Press ENTER until
prompted to “SET SMP/CNT?”.
3. Press ‘1’ or ‘Y’ to set up the scales. If there is more than one
scale present in the system, The XC880A prompts with
a. Press ‘1’ or ‘Y’ to set the sample scale. The display will
read “SELECT A SCALE” followed by a list of
available scales. Press the number corresponding to the
desired scale to be used as the sample scale or P to
prompt for the scale when sampling.
b. Press ‘0’ or ‘N’ to bypass sample scale selection.