Document # 82070-1026, Revision B
© 2011 Copyright VTS Medical Systems, LLC
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Black Level:
This adjustment allows the display to be set to discriminate between small differences in dark or near
black areas of the image. The adjustment should make a black area of the image (such as a deep shadow where all
detail is lost in the image) appear black. The black level is decreased (less black) until a change toward light or grey
is perceived in this area, then the adjustment increases slightly to restore the dark area to black. It is important to
perform this adjustment on a truly black area in the image to avoid making dark areas appear lighter than they
actually are.
The intensity of light emitted from the LCD Display. This control is similar to the effect of changing the
light behind a stained glass window. As the illumination is increased the overall light output of the image is increased.
The proper adjustment takes into consideration the ambient light in the room. For a brightly lit room, the brightness of
the display may be increased to improve the visibility of the image. In a dimly lit room, the brightness may be
decreased to reduce the impact on the eye.
Contrast is the differentiation between variations of similar colors. Typically contrast is set by adjusting for
best color differentiation between light yellow and white.
Hue refers to the “shade” of the colors. These adjustments primarily affect analog signal sources. S-Video,
RGBHV and VGA are analog signals. Adjusting the hue will help to correct abnormalities in the signal. The
adjustment can help restore the “natural” look of the colors.
Saturation refers to the purity of any particular color component (Red, Green or Blue). For example,
100% Red saturation is 100% Red, 0% Green and 0% Blue. No saturation means all the color percentages are
equal. Changes in saturation will change the emphasis of the selected color component.