Operational Tests
Installation/Uncrating Instructions
When cycle is over, the CYCLE COMPLETE light comes on.
Open door and remove the accessory.
10. Clean chamber filters. Replace filters in chamber and close
chamber doors.
NOTE: Always use a non-foaming detergent for effective cleaning
and proper pump and water level control operation.
NOTE: Refer to Section 2 and follow detergent manufacturer's
recommendations to determine the temperature of the WASH
NOTE: Follow detergent manufacturer's recommendations for the
amount of detergent used according to water hardness.
Open injection pump access door (lower right).
Slide injection pump drawer out from under washer/disinfector.
Install one-gallon detergent and lubricant containers (see Fig-
ure 4-2).
Insert squeeze tube into each container.
Using the PRIME switch beside each injection pump, fill up
tubing between container and pump.
Select Instrument cycle by pressing INSTRUMENT button.
Press START button.
Verify detergent is injected into chamber during Wash phase as
soon as chamber begins to fill.
Check detergent concentration. Pump injection rate is
10 oz/min (284 ml/min). The detergent injection time is preset
at 34 seconds. To modify concentration, adjust the appropriate
timer located in the injection pump drawer.
Figure 4-2. Detergent/Lubricant Container in place
Second Operational Test
CAUTION: When choosing deter-
CAUTION: When choosing deter-
CAUTION: When choosing deter-
CAUTION: When choosing deter-
CAUTION: When choosing deter-
gent, select one with a low chlo-
gent, select one with a low chlo-
gent, select one with a low chlo-
gent, select one with a low chlo-
gent, select one with a low chlo-
ride content. Detergents with a
ride content. Detergents with a
ride content. Detergents with a
ride content. Detergents with a
ride content. Detergents with a
high chloride content must not
high chloride content must not
high chloride content must not
high chloride content must not
high chloride content must not
be used, as chlorides will harm
be used, as chlorides will harm
be used, as chlorides will harm
be used, as chlorides will harm
be used, as chlorides will harm
and deteriorate stainless steel.
and deteriorate stainless steel.
and deteriorate stainless steel.
and deteriorate stainless steel.
and deteriorate stainless steel.
HAZARD: Washer/Disinfector de-
HAZARD: Washer/Disinfector de-
HAZARD: Washer/Disinfector de-
HAZARD: Washer/Disinfector de-
HAZARD: Washer/Disinfector de-
tergents are caustic and can
tergents are caustic and can
tergents are caustic and can
tergents are caustic and can
tergents are caustic and can
cause adverse effects to exposed
cause adverse effects to exposed
cause adverse effects to exposed
cause adverse effects to exposed
cause adverse effects to exposed
tissues. Do not get in eyes, on
tissues. Do not get in eyes, on
tissues. Do not get in eyes, on
tissues. Do not get in eyes, on
tissues. Do not get in eyes, on
skin or attempt to ingest by
skin or attempt to ingest by
skin or attempt to ingest by
skin or attempt to ingest by
skin or attempt to ingest by
mouth. Read and follow the pre-
mouth. Read and follow the pre-
mouth. Read and follow the pre-
mouth. Read and follow the pre-
mouth. Read and follow the pre-
cautions and instructions on the
cautions and instructions on the
cautions and instructions on the
cautions and instructions on the
cautions and instructions on the
detergent label and in the MSDS
detergent label and in the MSDS
detergent label and in the MSDS
detergent label and in the MSDS
detergent label and in the MSDS
prior to handling the detergent
prior to handling the detergent
prior to handling the detergent
prior to handling the detergent
prior to handling the detergent
or refilling the detergent con-
or refilling the detergent con-
or refilling the detergent con-
or refilling the detergent con-
or refilling the detergent con-
tainer. Wear protective gloves,
tainer. Wear protective gloves,
tainer. Wear protective gloves,
tainer. Wear protective gloves,
tainer. Wear protective gloves,
face shield and clothing when-
face shield and clothing when-
face shield and clothing when-
face shield and clothing when-
face shield and clothing when-
ever handling the detergent.
ever handling the detergent.
ever handling the detergent.
ever handling the detergent.
ever handling the detergent.
C o n t a i n e r
T i m e r