763.134 Z02 1913 coolcept_fleX
"COM1" and "COM2" connections
The inverter can communicate with other device via the "COM1" and "COM2" connections.
Requirements for the communication:
Both ends of the data connection are terminated.
RJ45 standard cables or alternative data connecting cables are used as bus cables.
3.9.1 Connecting further master devices
Set an external data logger prior to the connection. Follow the instructions of
the manufacturers.
of the following master devices can be connected to the "COM1" connec-
tion. These devices support the transfer protocol of the inverter.
StecaGrid SEM, Smart Energy Manager:
- Interface to a ripple control receiver for a feed-in management that is in accordance
with the Renewable Energy Sources Act or EEG (German: Erneuerbare-Energien-
PC or notebook (with related software):
- Read inverter information out with "StecaGrid User Software"
- Connection to the inverter possible via optional RS485 adapter => USB; the adapter
is available at Steca, with part number 746.610 (IP21) or 737.707 (IP65).
- Transmission of firmware updates (only specialists).
External data logger for professional system monitoring (recommended by Steca):
- WEB’log (Meteocontrol)
- Solar-Log (Solare Datensysteme)
- Energy-Manager (Kiwigrid GmbH)