Parts and Accessories
Multi Joystick Protective Covers
The connections of the
Multi Joystick
unit have
protective covers to avoid the accumulation of
dust or moisture during use.
When using the joystick, an LED on the Multi interface will indicate the unit is functioning properly.
The LED will flash if an error occurs.
Please refer to the Fault Logs section of this manual for a list of errors indicated by a blinking LED on
Multi Joystick.
Stealth Products can customize mounting hardware configurations in order to create the best possible
fit for a client.
Keep the protective cover in its place when not using a specific port.
Before inserting a connector into the joystick, remove the
protective cover from the desired input port.
Covers in place,
inputs protected
Covers can be removed
individually if both inputs
are not required.
Not all items in the Multi Joystick will be used to mount the Joystick
onto a Stealth product. All of these items are compatible with the
mo-Vis Power Chin Boom.