Star Micronics NX-1000 User Manual Download Page 58

Figure  5-1.

  Roplaclnfl  the  ribbon  cartridge

y o u 'll  k n o w   th a t   th e   p rin t  h e a d   h a s  re a c h e d   th e   e n d   o f   its  service  life.  T o
re p la c e   th e   p rin t  h e a d ,  follow   th e   p ro c e d u re   below .

A s  y o u   rem o v e  th e  o ld   p rin t  h ea d ,  n o te  c a re fu lly   how   th e  c a b le   is

th re a d e d ,  so  th a t  y o u   c a n   th re a d   the  new  c a b le   in  th e  sam e  way.

W a rn in g :  T h e   p r in t  h e a d   b ec o m e s  hot  d u r in g   o p r ia t io n   II  y o u   hav e  been  

u sin g   th e  p rin te r,  w ait  aw h ile  so  the  p rin t  h ea d   c a n   c o o l


1.  T u r n   p o w e r  O F F   a n d   u n p lu g   th e  p o w e r  c o rd

2.  R e m o v e   th e   to p   c o v e r  a n d   rib b o n   c a rtrid g e .

3.  M o v e   th e   p r in t  h e a d   c a rria g e   to w a rd   th e   right  u n til  you  c a n   see  th e

c o n n e c to r   co v e r.  R e m o v e   th e  c o n n e c to r   c o v e r  a n d   pull  th e  ca b le   free 

fro m   th e   c o n n e c to r.


U n sc re w   th e   tw o   screw s  th a t  h o ld   th e   p rin t  h e a d   in  place  a n d   set  th e m  


D ise n g a g e   th e   c a b le   fro m   th e   ta b s   h o ld in g   it  d o w n ,  th e n   rem o v e  th e 
p r in t  h e a d .


F o r   ea sy   in s ta lla tio n   o f  th e   n ew   p r in t  h e a d ,  m o v e  the  c a rria g e   to w a r d  
th e   left  e n d   o f  th e   rail.

7.  P lac e  th e   n ew   p r in t  h e a d   o n   its  s u p p o r t,  se a tin g   it  on   the  tw o  pins.
8.  T h re a d   th e   new   c a b le   th e   sa m e  w ay  as  th e   o ld ,  se c u rin g   it  u n d e r  th e

th re e   ta b s   o n   th e   p r in t  h e a d   c a rria g e .

9.  P lu g   th e   c a b le   in to   th e   c o n n e c to r,  in s e rtin g   it  as  far  a s  it  will  go.


Summary of Contents for NX-1000




Page 4: ...If necessary the user should consult the dealer or an experienced redio television technician for additional suggestions The user may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal Communicnliond...

Page 5: on using w ord processing program s and other com m oidul softw are w ith this printer R ead this chapter in conjunction w ith miiii softw are m anual t Impter 4 is addressed to do it yourself prog...

Page 6: ...el T he four switches can operate in com binations to perform a surprising variety o f functions including m argin setting and m icro alignm ent Easy carc and m aintenance The ribbon cartridge can be...

Page 7: ...h e s a r e P ica p i t c h E lite pitch Condensed pica pitch Condensed elite pitch proportional spacing for all pitches Expanded Double height D o u b 1e s i z e d Q u a d s i z e d V ii ious l i n...

Page 8: Sem iautom atic loading M anual loading L oading and parking fanfold form s Paper parking Paper unparking T est printing Short self test Long selft test Interface test A djusting the printing ga...

Page 9: ...USING THE PRINTER WITH DOS AND BASIC 37 H ard copying the screen 37 Program m ing the p rinter w ith D O S com m ands 38 Program m ing the printer w ith BASIC 40 MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING 47 C l...

Page 10: ...raft character N L Q character Appendix D CHARACTER SETS 99 S tandard character set 100 IB M character set 2 102 IB M character set 1 104 A dditional character set 105 International character sets 10...

Page 11: ...u t o f direct sunlight and aw ay from heat producing appliances t lie it only in tem peratures where you are com fortable Avoid locations w ith dust grease or high hum idity Supply it clean electrici...

Page 12: ...s 1 Printer J I npm guide 3 Platen knob 4 Ribbon cartrldgn nnil r lln m n m nnunl M ake mi external inspection o f the printer N ote Iho locations o f the following parts Hail lever opens and closes...

Page 13: ...h switches pow er on and off Connector for connecting the com puter to the printer HI 1TING UP Mount the platen knob I lie platen knob is packed into a recess o f the w hite foam packing n iii I riul...

Page 14: ...g thn pinion knob Remove the top cover Lift the front edge o f the pi inter clem plastic top covcr T hen disengage the tabs at the back o f the cover and rem ove the cover com pletely Figure 1 4 Remov...

Page 15: ...op cover Hold the cover upright and engage the tabs at the back T hen swing ih front edge dow n until the cover is closed I cave the cover closed during norm al operation It keeps o u t dust and hi i...

Page 16: ...ow ri cord while tin p u n tri is turned on LOADING SINGLE SHEETS This section will take you through the p io c e d u n loi loading single sheets o f paper If you are using the optional autom atic she...

Page 17: ...he Pow er indicator on the control panel will flash These are the printer s paper out signals Place a single sheet on the paper guide and insert it dow n into the entry slot Y ou will feel a slight re...

Page 18: ...aper into the entry slot as lai a s it will go the sam e w ay as for sem iautom atic loading 3 M ove the bail lever on top o f the printer forw ard to open he paper bail 4 T u rn the platen knob clock...

Page 19: ...s paper in the printer ii move it Since the platen is released you can ju st pull the paper out i Move tlie bail lever forw ard to open the bail Remove the paper guide and put it aside for the m om en...

Page 20: ...ovors lo exposo the sprockol teeth Figure 1 11 Closing the sprocket covers 10 Fit the holes in the paper over the sprocket pins heck that the paper is even 11 Close the sprocket covers Figure l l l 12...

Page 21: ...eft and right to snap it into place 17 M ount the paper guide in the horizontal position show n in Figure 1 12 that it will separate the printed from the unprinted paper Now you are ready to sw itch p...

Page 22: ...em ove all single sheets from the printer and close the paper bail 2 M ount the paper guide in the horizontal position 3 M ove the release lever to the up position 4 W ith pow er O N move the bail lev...

Page 23: ...ontrol panel llu y indicate w hich type style is printing The test p attern varies depending on lhe setting o f D IP switch 1 6 O N S tandard m ode O F F IBM m ode hut m ore ab o u t that later This t...

Page 24: ...ent thicknessoH ol papal DIP SWITCH SETTINGS W hen you rem ove the printer s cover and look inside you will see on the green board at the bottom o f the printer two groups ol small white switches m ar...

Page 25: ...dard IBM 1 7 Character set Std Mode Italics Graphics Character set IBM Mode Set 2 Set 1 1 8 Auto LF No Yes 2 1 Usage of RAM Buffer Download 2 2 International character set See below 2 3 2 4 rhe printe...

Page 26: ...autom atic sheet feeder move this switch to the O F F position O therw ise leave it ON Switch 1 5 D o you waul the priutci lo stop printing about an inch from the end o f the paper or lo keep printing...

Page 27: Switch 2 1 D oes your softw are dow nload new characters to the printer I o dow nload characters this switch m ust be O F F T he printer then uses ils RAM m em ory for storing character patterns an...

Page 28: ......

Page 29: of form position Set the left and right m argins C lear the printer s buffer SWITCHES AND INDICATORS T he control panel has four switches m arked O n Line P ap er Feed P rin t Pitch N L Q Type Sty...

Page 30: ...ers up in the on line state if paper is present If paper is not present the printer pow ers up off line w ith the Pow er indicator flashing W hen you load paper the Pow er indicator stops flashing bu...

Page 31: ...follows Pica 10 characters per inch Elite 12 characters per inch C ondensed pica 17 characters per inch C ondensed elite 20 characters per inch Proportional pica Proportional elite T h is i s p ic a...

Page 32: ...epeatedly until the indicators beside the desired selection light T he selections cycle in the fol lowing order D raft all indicators off C ourier N LQ C ourier italic N LQ Sanserif N LQ Sanserif ital...

Page 33: ...styles do n o t have a sm all capitals option Low er case nIways prints as low er case The type style can also be selected by printer com m ands given in A p pendix B P rinter com m ands enable you to...

Page 34: ...and start printing The selected type style will n o t be changed by any com m ands sent by softw are If you w ant to protect both the Print Pitch and N L Q Type Style settings from softw are changes p...

Page 35: ...EE EF In oD FI OA F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F0 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 0123456789 s iSABCDEFGHI JKLMNQ PQRSTUVWXYZ C abe de Fghijk1mno pqrstuvwxyz I lyu r 2 5 Sample hexadecimal dump M ost BASICs how ever are n...

Page 36: ...T H3BC I OUT H3BE 5 OUT H3BE 4 120 RETURN SWITCH COMBINATION FUNCTIONS Several additional functions can be obtained by pressing the control panel switches in com binations Reverse micro Iccd Inning ll...

Page 37: ...nt position If this is n o t w here you w ant the top of he page to be you can change the top of form position as follows I Press the O n Line switch to set the printer off line M ove the paper to the...

Page 38: sw itch to set the printer off line 2 Press the N L Q Type Style sw itch and hold it down 3 Press the P aper Feed switch The print head will travel to the right end o f the carriage then start adva...

Page 39: ...cleared i Release all three switches m ake any necessary control panel settings then set the printer back on line 1 1 is essential to h alt the printing program on the com puter before you io oil lin...

Page 40: ......

Page 41: ...inters from which 10 choose If you find this printer on the m enu select it If this printer is n o t listed look for the E pson LX 800 or IBM Proprinter 11 II these are not listed look for an o th er...

Page 42: ...d your softw are m anual to find out w hether you can do this and if so how The m ost useful thing you can do is to define a w ay to enter the escape code ESC w hich is the control character w ith dec...

Page 43: ...een p rom pt will explain how to place these codes in the initialization sequence SETTING THE DIP SWITCHES A fter com pleting the installation o f your softw are check the setting ol the printer s D I...

Page 44: ...esets the printer T h at is why you m ust press the N L Q Type Style an d o r Print Pitch switches as you pow er up II you do not press these switches during pow er up the reset com m and will reset y...

Page 45: ...t o use italic p r i n t You will probably not see the sym bol ESC on the screen but a dillcrcnt sym bol such as AE or A o r perhaps no sym bol a t all This depends on your softw are A fter printing t...

Page 46: ...I...

Page 47: ...nning application softw are N orm ally the P R T SC key prints only text d ata b u t if your D O S system includes a file nam ed G R A P H IC S C O M you can hard copy graphics dis plays by first typi...

Page 48: ...t will reappear Y ou can execute other com m ands or program s while the file is being printed A single P R IN T com m and can print tw o or m ore files List the file nam es consecutively on the sam e...

Page 49: ...colum n 92 This will give a 6 7 inch 80 colum n printed line with a one inch left m argin Elite has 12 characters per inch 12 is a control code 9 2 is the character as you can verify in A ppendix I Y...

Page 50: ...ll set up the printer and print any specified file with a single com m and T o create such a batch file with the nam e N L Q PR IN I HAT type in the first four lines show n next AZ m eans to press the...

Page 51: ...all D styles J O LPRINT E 5 Cancel italics 30 LPRINT C Print pitches are 40 LPRINT H P Pica pitch 30 LPRINT H E M Elite pitch 00 LPRINT H CHR 15 Condensed pitch 70 LPRINT P Condensed pica pitch HO LP...

Page 52: ...r1ining ES _0 LPRINT H E SO SUPERSCRIPT E T LPRINT ES SI SUBSCRIPT E T GOSUB 2020 LPRINT H C Download characters LPRINT D E 1 FOR 1 1 TO 5 LPRINT CHR 60 NEXT I LPRINT E 0 Select normal character GOSUB...

Page 53: ...A 0 0 70 0 38 0 22 9 6 9 390 DATA 6 8 6 0 28 32 14 64 14 0 f i00 DATA 14 0 124 0 0 12 64 12 32 14 f t10 DATA 16 14 0 14 0 12 0 J fiJ O r i n Dot graphics data r l o DATA 0 0 0 0 1 3 7 7 7 15 J f 1 30...

Page 54: ...4 224 192 128 0 0 0 3030 DATA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 How the program works This program begins by assigning a num ber o f printer com m ands to BASIC string variables lines 1000 to 1090 Y ou can find m o...

Page 55: ...0 read the d o t d ata into a string array variable nam ed I GO Line 1860 sets the line spacing to 8 72 inch so th at the row s will connect vertically T he loop in lines 1870 to 1940 does the printin...

Page 56: ...II...

Page 57: ...he printer I Ise a soft brush to rem ove paper dust and lint from the interior A small viii iium cleaner can also m ake this task easier b u t be very careful n o t to l ml or injure any electronic pa...

Page 58: cover and ribbon cartridge 3 M ove the print head carriage tow ard the right until you can see the connector cover Rem ove the connector cover and pull the cable free from the connector 4 U nscre...

Page 59: ...I i Replacing the print head 1 1 1 I isten the print head dow n w ith the tw o screws I I Move the carriage back tow ard the right and replace the connector cover Mule the connector cover to the left...

Page 60: ...ave a qualified servicem an rem ove any label paper th at adheres inside the printer D o not attem pt to rem ove it yourself Avoid using label paper with any exposed adhesive areas If printing is fain...

Page 61: ...lly exclusive F o r exam ple you cannot get em phasized condensed printing II you have problems with horizontal tabulation D on t change the m argins after setting tabs D on t cbnnge the print pitch a...

Page 62: ...MEMO...

Page 63: ...800 and IB M P roprinter II fl witches and Indicators Power switch R ocker switch i onli ol panel 4 M em brane switches 10 L E D indicators I HP switches 12 pins Serial im pact d o t m atrix 120 chara...

Page 64: ...dots at 576 dots at 640 dots at 720 dots at 960 dots at 960 dots at 960 dots at 1920 dots a 60 dpi Single density 60 dpi Single density 72 dpi Plotter m ode 80 dpi C R T I 90 dpi C R T II 120 dpi D ou...

Page 65: ...characters C ondensed elite 160 characters Paper Specifications Single sheets I unfold paper N um ber o f copies Dimensions and Weight I im ensions Weight I loctrical Specifications I Inc voltage 140...

Page 66: ...ow for at least 0 5 microseconds when data are valid 2 DATA1 IN Right hit chnractn data D A IA 8 is the most significant bit D A IA I is the least significant bit lliy li is l gii 1 and Low is logic 0...

Page 67: ...10 iN 1 Twisted pair return signal ground level u RESET IN Low input resets the printer to its pow er up condition 1 ERRGR O U T G oes Low to signal th at the printer cannot print due to an error cond...

Page 68: ...MEMO...

Page 69: ...s the command in decimal character codes Hexadecimal Gives the command in hexadecimal character codes Parameters for which values must be supplied are indicated by italic letters mh h as n Many comman...

Page 70: ...up Select NLQ type style Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC k n 27 107 n IB 6B n Selects an NLQ type style according to the value o f n In draft mode this command remains dormant and takes effect...

Page 71: ...cs Ignored if the NLQ Type Style switch was pressed during power up Select upright characters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Sul ESC 5 27 53 IB 35 HIM FS 5 28 53 1C 33 Stops italic printing and causes...

Page 72: Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC H 27 72 IB 48 Cancels double strike printing Start underlining Mode ASCII Duclmul Hexadecimal Both ESC 1 27 4 49 III 21 31 ESC 1 27 4S 1 III 1 II Causes subs...

Page 73: ...3 31 ESC S 1 27 83 1 IB 53 01 Causes subsequent characters to be printed as subscripts Does not change the character pitch Cancel superscript or subscript ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal ESC T 27 84 IB 54 M...

Page 74: ...1 is the power up default if DIP switch 1 7 is OFF Select IBM character set 2 Mode ASCII Doclnml Hexadecimal Both ESC 6 27 4 1It 36 Selects IBM chaructci set II the standard charactei set is currentl...

Page 75: ...between 0 and 255 During this interval no control functions are executed If a code with no assigned character is received the printer prints a space I nable printing of all character codes on next cha...

Page 76: ...20 cpi In IBM mode changes from either pica or condcnscd to elite 12 cpi Ignored if the Print Pitch switch was pressed during power up Condensed printing Mode ASCII Daclnial Honn loclmnl Both S I IS...

Page 77: ...equent characters in the current line to be expanded to double width Characters return to normal width after the next line feed LF I he DC4 VT FF and ESC W 0 commands also cancel expanded printing m i...

Page 78: ...he sum o f the values given below for the desired characteristics Examples n 1 gives elite n 9 1 8 gives emphasized elite n 137 1 t 8 t 128 gives underlined emphasized elite function n value Underline...

Page 79: ...ple high quadruple wide 3 Double high double wide Lower half only 4 Double high double wide Upper half only 5 Quadruple high quadruple wide Lower half only 6 Quadruple high quadruple wide Upper half o...

Page 80: ...le Single height IX Single Double height 12 Double Unchanged t i Double Single height 14 Double Double height in Character width 1 Single width same as E S C W 0 2 Double width same as E S C W 1 Doubl...

Page 81: ...n Standard mode the line feed distance is set to 0 but in IBM mode this command is ignored Ni f line spacing to n 72 inch ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal ESC A n 27 65 n IB 41 n MhiIb llolll In Standard mod...

Page 82: ...Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC J n 27 74 n IB 4A n Feeds the paper once by i 2l6 inches where n is between 1 and 255 D oes not move the print position right or left when DIP switch 1 2 is OFF Does not...

Page 83: ...uge length to n inches M illie Ml9 1 II ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal ESC C 0 n 27 67 0 n IB 43 00 n Sets the page length to n inches where n is between 1 and 22 in Standard inode or between 1 and 127 in...

Page 84: ...exadecimal Both ESC I I 27 12 IB OC Feeds the paper backward to lire op o f the current page Ignored when friction feed is used Disable paper out detector Mode ASCII Hnilmal Haxmlaclmal Both ESC 8 11...

Page 85: ...1 an d 127 ortical tab stops in channel ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal ESC b nO n l n2 0 27 98 nO n l n2 0 IB 62 nO n l n2 00 Cancels all current vertical tab stops in channel nO where nO is between 0 and...

Page 86: ...densed pica 0 n 64 Expanded condensed elite 0 n 76 The left margin can also be set from the control panel Set right margin Mode ASCII Decimal Hnxndnnlmal Std ESC 0 n 27 81 n I II M il IBM FS Q n 28 ki...

Page 87: ...tic line feed Mlnil ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal him ESC 5 1 27 53 1 IB 35 01 Causes the printer to perform both a carriage return and line feed each time it receives a C R code This command takes priori...

Page 88: ...ecimal Hexadecimal Both ESC D n l n2 0 27 68 n l 3 0 III 44 nl n2 00 C ancels all c u rre n t h o rizo n tal tab stops am i sols m w tnl stops at colum ns n l n2 etc in th e c u rre n t c h aracter pi...

Page 89: ...are not underlined Unhitive horizontal tab Minin ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Hlil ESC n l n2 27 92 n l n2 IB 5C n l n2 HIM FS n l n2 28 92 n l n2 1C 5C n l n2 Moves the print position right or left a s...

Page 90: ...he most significant bit at the top and the least significant bit at the bottom The number o f data bytes must be n l n2 x 256 Dots beyond the right margin are ignored At the end o f bit image printing...

Page 91: ...the value of nO and prints bit image graphics in this mode See ESC K for information on n l n2 m l m 2 nO Graphics mode 0 Normal density 1 Double density 2 Double density double speed 3 Quadruple dens...

Page 92: ...0 0 0 IB 3A 00 00 00 IBM FS 1 1 1 x IK 0 1 1 IC 3A K 00 00 Copies all the stiindiiid cluinu In acter RAM area overwriting unv when DIP switch 2 1 is ON s lo thr colirspom ling download char ilownloiul...

Page 93: details please refer to the Appendix C Dofine NLQ download characters Mmln ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal ESC 0 n l 27 38 0 n l IB 26 00 n l Hnlll n2 mO m l m 2 n2 mO m l m 2 n2 mO m l m 2 m 3 m46 m 3 m...

Page 94: 12 dots The attribute byte a2 gives proportional spacing information Bit 7 is ignored Hits 4 to 6 specify the offset to the first byte printed 0 to 7 enabling lending spaces in the character to be...

Page 95: ON tloloct ROM character set Mh iIii Itillt ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal ESC 0 27 37 48 IB 25 30 E S O 0 27 37 0 IB 25 00 Stops using the download character set and returns to the built in ROM charact...

Page 96: ...nt bit o f each subsequent byte received to 0 Accept MSB as is Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC 27 35 IH 23 Cancels the preceding cnmmiirnln mul mcepin the most significant bit as it is sent to...

Page 97: ...IB 69 00 Cancels the immediate print mode The printer waits for each line to be completed before printing it and does not scroll the paper up and down This command is ignored when friction feed is use...

Page 98: ...27 85 1 IB 55 01 Causes subsequent printing lo he done imidirectionally ensuring maxi mum vertical aligniiienl piniNlon One line unidirectional printing Mode ASCII llo i Iii im I 1Innmltii mini Both E...

Page 99: ...xadecimal ESC EM T n 27 25 84 n IB 19 54 n T n 40 40 84 41 41 n 28 28 54 29 29 n Skips m 6 inches at the top of the page where n is equal to or greater than I Ignored if DIP switch 1 4 is ON ASF inact...

Page 100: ...MEMO...

Page 101: ...characters w ith paper and pencil is Hiincwhat tim e consum ing The program listed in this appendix enables you In do everything on the com puter screen It also enables you to m aintain di ik liles o...

Page 102: ...w hat character you w ant to redefine offering the exclairm tion m ark as a suggestion If you w ant to print the car sym bol in place o the exclam ation m ark press Return If you w ant to assign the c...

Page 103: ...ire character set from character 33 to character 126 will be lilililcd out AI any point while you are selecting or designing characters you can 11h ss F5 to skip the current character and proceed to t...

Page 104: ...te A m axim um o f 78 near letter quality characters can be defined The file created by this program contains the follow ing printer com m ands 1 E S C 0 0 0 standard m ode or F S 0 0 0 IBM m ode to c...

Page 105: ...SELECT MODE mi Standard mode DIP SW 1 6 ON f iI IBM mode DIP SW 1 6 OFF M IBM PX 7 PY 1 GOSUB 3020 IBM S I I IBM THEN HDS RS STRINGS 3 0 ELSE HDS ES STRINGS 3 0 Select Draft NLQ I OCATE 9 1 PRINT SEL...

Page 106: ...I 3 2 iOOTO 2090 20 2 0 IF ST 3 THEN C fll M T H I N JI I lo 0 203 0 IF D T X Y 1 l I MIN m M I MI N u i iln I u in i 20 4 0 D T X Y 1 D T X Y 1 i n n III I NUf 1 j mu 20 5 0 GOSUB 36 8 0 2 0 6 0 S S...

Page 107: ...P Y P R I N T L O C A T E P X l P Y P R I N T L O C A T EP X P Y I t i i i i r S T H E N 3 0 0 0 E L S E 3 0 9 0 i i l N O I n r A T E P X P Y P R I N T L O C A T E P X l P Y P R I N T L O C A T E P...


Page 109: ...ges o f the table F o r exam ple the character A is in colum n 4 mul iow 1 so its hexadecim al character code is 41 This is equivalent 4 x i l I 65 to decim al 65 the num ber in the inset oulrol codes...

Page 110: ...3 5 3 6 3 7 10 4 1 42 GE 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 7 4 8 4 9 5 0 5 1 5 2 5 3 6 1 F 7 G 1 H 1 1 1v 9 J 1y Ml V M l 6 1 6 2 6 3 B D 6 4 6 5 66 6 7 68 6 9 7 0 Q R I 7 1 15 J K M U V W Y Y V I 8 0 8 1 8 2 8 3 8 4 8...

Page 111: ...133 149 165 181 197 213 229 245 ft 6 F V f V 134 150 166 182 198 214 230 246 7 BEL 1 7 G w 7 w 135 151 167 183 199 215 231 247 8 BS C A N a H X h X 136 152 168 184 200 216 232 248 V H T EM 9 I Y i Y...

Page 112: ...27 FS 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 10 41 K 43 44 45 46 47 0 48 49 50 TT 52 53 54 V i 17 S K J Z 60 61 62 63 B D 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 I 71 I I K I z L 76 M lT N 78 0 79 Q R U V W X Y I 80 TT 82 83 84...

Page 113: ...r s I 0 0 HO 103...

Page 114: ...U L 128 144 1 D C 1 129 145 2 130 D C 2 146 3 131 D C 3 147 4 132 D C 4 148 5 133 149 6 1134 150 7 HI 1 7 r 151 8 US lllft C A N l l III 1 1 M m A 1 1 11IN 11M It VI 11 W 1S I1 C 1 1 n o I S II D H M...

Page 115: ...17 2 9 2 t 18 M i 3 V 3 II 19 W 4 4 IT 20 4 5 5 S 21 0 6 6 22 7 i in 1 7 23 8 8 t 24 ii 9 o 9 1 25 i V A 10 26 n i 0 B 11 27 pa 0 C 12 L 28 i n 0 1 J 13 29 m i 11 E J3 14 A 30 A 1 f V 15 31 mi ID 9 H...

Page 116: ...SPAIN 1 R 0 i N I ft c JAPAN N 0 V 1 1 NORWAY M k 0 A u 6 ae 0 A ii 0 DENMARK 2 t K 0 A I A nr 0 A ii SPAIN 2 A 1 N I 6 1 n 6 u C LATIN AMERICA A 1 N i A U i rt 6 ii C D E N M A R K N O R W A Y 1 I 0...

Page 117: ...1 l IMi ll 86 11 i mil i 11 84 92 I Inin nuimi i nl printer 55 IHI III 14 17 33 50 51 53 63 64 ll s Hy 88 89 I Hi i in1 1 iiinIn 37 40 I hi I I H I111 l l W 11 I I k Imi in lers 69 70 Double strike pr...

Page 118: ...tector 16 50 74 Parking 11 12 26 Pause 20 35 Pica pitch 21 66 Pilch 21 24 34 55 66 Platen knob 2 3 Power cord 6 Power indicator 20 Power switch 3 Print Pitch switch 21 24 28 Print head 47 49 50 53 Pri...

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