2022 RUNGU Dualie Rugged/XR series
Copyright 2021 Standard Bearer Machines, LLC
Riding the Rungu Dualie
Riding Dualie, the first time
Be prepared for a learning curve riding Rungu the first time. Dualie rides differently than bicycles and e-
bikes and requires five to thirty minutes of riding before feeling comfortable. The additional front wheel
adds more inertia to turning; riding Dualie feels more like riding a motorcycle than riding a bicycle. We
recommend starting on pavement in an area with no other vehicular traffic and using power level 1 only
to get used to turning and changing gears.
Rungu Dualie Instructional Videos - Volume 2: Rungu First Ride
your first ride.
Riding with long pants
If you’re riding with long pants and you
have purchased your Rungu Dualie with a Chainguard, your pant
cuffs are protected. The Rungu Chainguard can also be purchased separately.
Figure 4 Rungu Dualie Chain Guard
If you do not use a Rungu Chainguard, but ride with long pants, use a pants cuff protector to keep your
pants cuff from getting caught in the chain. Pants cuff protectors are commonly available where bikes or
sold and from Amazon as shown below.