11Beamage-3 User
’s Manual Revision 4.0
Standa Ltd. All rights reserved
Figure 6-4 2D Display
Holding down the left button on the mouse while moving around moves the image.
The “up arrow”, “down
arrow”, “left arrow” and “right arrow” will also move the image accordingly. The scroll button on the mouse
zooms the image in or out. It is
also possible to zoom in the image by pressing the “+” key on the
keyboard and similarly, it is possible to zoom out the image by pressing the “-“ key on the keyboard.
6.2.1. 2D Display: Controls
The toolbar buttons on the upper right corner control the 2D image.
Print Screen:
Saves a .bmp image of the current 2D display.
Reset View:
Resets the view settings to its original parameters.
Show/Hide Diameter:
Displays the ellipse corresponding to the beam diameter (refer to section
Select Active Area:
Selects with cursor an active area.