11Beamage-3 User
’s Manual Revision 4.0
Standa Ltd. All rights reserved
The 11Beamage-3 sensor must be placed precisely at the focal point, not
at the beam waist.
” section, which displays the coordinate system of the 11Beamage-3 sensor on the right side,
allows the user to select the parameter that will be considered as the origin position (0,0) by the software.
Figure 5-12 Relative Position Tab
By selecting
” and clicking “
Set now
”, the user chooses to position the origin at the computed
centroid (center of energy). By selecting
” and clicking “
Set now
”, the user chooses to position the
origin at the computed energy peak (highest measured value). The option
User define
”, allows the user
to manually enter origin position values for both the X and Y axes.
It is also possible to position the origin by simply clicking with the mouse in the display. This can be done
in the Beam Tracking Display, which shows the coordinate system of the 11Beamage-3 sensor (refer to
section 6.4). First, click on the
Beam Tracking Display
” button at the bottom of the display screen to open