Owner’s Manual
During a workout, this statistic displays the power output at
the current RPM and intensity level, displayed in watts (746
watts = 1 hp).
MET (multiple of the resting metabolic rate) indicates the
relative energy cost of exercise. While you are sitting
quietly, your body consumes oxygen at the rate of 1 MET or
about 3.5 milliliters per kilogram of body mass per minute.
When you exercise, your body needs more oxygen in order
to function. For example, exercising at 10 METs requires 10
times the resting rate of oxygen consumption, or about 35
milliliters per kilogram per minute. During a workout, the
display shows the current MET level. During the workout
summary, the average MET level is displayed. During your
workout, keeping track of the METs will show you how hard
you are working—the higher the MET level, the harder you
are working.
The dot-matrix area of the display shows the actual course
profile of the selected exercise program. The taller the
column, the higher the step rate and/or METs for that
interval. The flashing column shows your current interval.
Key Functions
Display LOCK / UNLOCK - Statistics Key
During the exercise program, the Display LOCK / UNLOCK key is used to track
workout statistics which are shown in the text line of the display window. When
a workout is started, the display is in an unlocked mode and the various exercise
statistics will scroll in order. Press the [DISPLAY] key once to turn off the scan
feature and show the current statistic in the display window. Press the [DISPLAY]
key a second time and the scan feature will turn back on to scroll through the
different statistics.
When in the Display Unlock mode, the console will cycle through the following
statistics in order: Miles, Calories/Hour, Steps/Min, Floors, Watts, METs.
At the completion of a workout, the statistic averages are calculated based on the
accumulation of data during the workout program.