SECTION FOUR – Routine Maintenance and Professional Servicing
If the air/gas ratio is not correct, or if you are getting
any of the indications of poor combustion, call Sta-Rite
Customer Service at 1-800-752-0183 for information
about the Gas Orifice Adjustment Kit. Use the kit that is
designed for the model of heater being serviced. The kit
should 1) be properly marked for Propane or natural
gas operation, and 2) have a properly rated input.
OOOOrrrriiiiffffiiiicccceeee RRRReeeeppppllllaaaacccceeeemmmmeeeennnntttt PPPPrrrroooocccceeeedddduuuurrrreeee::::
1. Turn off the electrical supply to the heater; turn off
the pump; turn off the manual gas supply valve to
the heater.
2. Unbolt and separate the top jacket halves.
3. Unscrew completely the 3/4"gas line union closest
to the combination gas control valve.
4. Loosen the 3/4"gas line union directly above the
air inlet tube.
5. Loosen the pipe clamp holding the gas line to the
upper control support and swing the gas line loop
out of the way.
6. Remove the gas orifice and O-Ring contained in the
union nearest the combination gas control valve
(correct union is next to sticker on gas pipe).
7. Install the O-Ring on the adjustment orifice. Verify
the correct size of the orifices included in your kit
(see instructions included with kit).
8. Insert the adjustment orifice squarely in the gas line
union next to the combination gas valve.
9. Swing the gas loop and union half back into place
and tighten both unions securely.
10. Tighten the pipe clamp holding the gas line to the
top control support.
11. Replace the top jacket; tighten bolts.
12. Turn on heater. Observe it for smooth ignition
and regular combustion without undue noise or
13. Run heater for at least 10 minutes. After at least 10
minutes of continuous operation, insert a combus-
tion analyzer probe into the exhaust and measure
CO2 or O2. The recommended CO2 and O2 ranges
are listed on Page 4-17. Preferably, the readings
should be in the midrange.
NNNNOOOOTTTTEEEE:::: See instructions included with kit for plus
and minus orifices to correct combustion problems.
For more information, call Sta-Rite Customer Service
at 1-800-752-0183.
Gas Orifice
2665 1096
Gas Orifice
(Continued from the preceding page)
SSSSaaaaffffeeeettttyyyy PPPPrrrreeeeccccaaaauuuuttttiiiioooonnnnssss::::
Risk of fire or explosion.
Turn off gas at
external manual gas valve and turn off electrical power
to the heater before replacing the Gas Orifice.
P/N: See Repair Parts List,
Pages 5-2 and 5-3