SECTION TWO – Heater Installation
HHHHoooorrrriiiizzzzoooonnnnttttaaaallll oooorrrr VVVVeeeerrrrttttiiiiccccaaaallll VVVVeeeennnnttttiiiinnnngggg ---- PPPPoooossssiiiittttiiiivvvveeee
PPPPrrrreeeessssssssuuuurrrreeee (See Figures 2-9, 2-10 and 2-11)
Vent the heater either horizontally or vertically using
one of the 4-inch Special Gas Vent Pipes listed on Page
2-10 (Table 2-G). Install the vent pipe in accordance
with local codes and the provisions of the National Fuel
Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1 (U.S.) or Standard CSA-B149.1
(Canada), and the vent manufacturer’s instructions.
DDDDoooo nnnnooootttt use a draft hood with this heater. Use one of the
special gas vents specified in Table 2-G (Page 2-11) for
positive-pressure venting of this heater – do not use
any other vent with it. Install the vent according to the
vent manufacturer’s detailed instructions.
Maintain clearance between the vent pipe and com-
bustible surfaces according to the vent manufacturer’s
instructions and code requirements. Do not place any
insulating materials around the vent or inside the
required clear air space surrounding the vent. See Table
2-H (Page 2-12) for maximum permissable vent lengths.
See Table 2-J (Page 2-12) for vent thimbles and termi-
nals listed in U.S.
CCCCoooonnnnnnnneeeeccccttttiiiinnnngggg SSSSppppeeeecccciiiiaaaallll GGGGaaaassss VVVVeeeennnntttt ttttoooo tttthhhheeee HHHHeeeeaaaatttteeeerrrr
1. Order an Appliance Adapter Kit:
Sta-Rite Part No. 77707-0086 for Saf-T Vent
Saf-T Vent
Sta-Rite Part No. 77707-0087 for Z-Vent.
2. Remove the outside Vent Cover.
SSSSuuuurrrrffffaaaacccceeee PPPPrrrreeeeppppaaaarrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn::::
3. Install the Appliance Adapter in the Vent Body of
the heater (located under the outside Vent Cover).
Before connecting the Appliance Adapter to the
Vent Body, wet a clean cloth or paper towel with
isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) and vigorously
wipe the socket of the Vent Body. Immediately
Heater Venting – Positive Pressure
1' Min.
4' Min.
4' Min.
4' Min.
4' Min.
3' Minimum clearance if
horizontal distance to
exhaust opening is less
than 10 feet.
Forced Air
1' Minimum
above snow or
finished grade
(whichever is
At least 7'
above grade
to public
Gas Meter
Max 12"
Min 3"
FIGURE 2-10: Minimum Clearances for Vent Termination - U.S.
Flue Collar
Metal 4" Z-Flex
Adapter (Line up
Ridge with tip
of Vent Body)
Vent Body
2856 0597RTV
Clean and RTV
This Surface
Clean the Interior Surface
Figure 2-9: Metal Appliance Adapter for Metallic
Special Gas Vent (4”)