User Manual
Modbus TCP/EtherNet IP Gateway
a. EtherNet/IP monitor data are located in the first word of input data, it monitors the numbers that Modbus
TCP has been connected to master. If closed, then it doesn’t input data;
“Open” monitor function means: in the SST-EE-CFG configuration software, Ethernet parameters
“network status indicators” is selected as “two ends network monitors with each other” or “EtherNet/IP end
monitors Modbus TCP network status”. If “close” monitor function, that means in the configuration software,
this parameter is “Modbus TCP end monitors EtherNet/IP network status” or “no indicating”.
b. Modbus TCP slave monitor data is fixed on the register of 35001 (5000). When EtherNet/IP network
fails, the register is set to 0 and 1 if network is normal;
c. No matter open or close the monitor function, it can still get the network status of EtherNet/IP by reading
the register which address is 35001 (5000);
d. If opened, it will map the register which address is 35001 (5000) to the register which address is 30001
(0), EtherNet/IP output data starts to be mapped the address starting from 30002 (1);
e. If closed, EtherNet/IP output data will be mapped to the address starting from 30001 (1).
“Open” monitor function means: in the SST-EE-CFG configuration software, Ethernet parameters
“network status indicators” is selected as “two ends network monitors with each other” or “Modbus TCP end
monitors EtherNet/IP network status”. If “close” monitor function, that means in the configuration software,
this parameter is “EtherNet/IP end monitors Modbus TCP network status” or “no indicating”.