User Manual
Modbus TCP/EtherNet IP Gateway
Configurable items include: Input bytes, Output bytes, Data clear of continuous no response of Modbus TCP
Bus type: EtherNet/IP slave
Input bytes (Instance102): Input bytes number of EtheNet IP, range: 5~496, the default is 496
Output bytes number (Instance101): Output bytes number of EtherNet/IP, range: 1~492, the default is 492
Data clear of continuous no response of Modbus TCP slave: Valid in “Modbus TCP master” function, open,
close optional. Valid in “Modbus TCP master” function. Choose “open”, means to clear the input data of this slave
when continuous three times no response of one Modbus TCP slave.
4.4.2 Modbus TCP Configuration View Interface
In equipment view interface, click “Modbus TCP”, when choosing different protocol, the configuration view
interface and configurable items will be different.
Protocol type select: Modbus TCP master
The configurable items include: Assign IP Mode, IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway Address, Response
Timeout, Delay between polls and Polling mode of output commands. As is shown below: