User Manual
Modbus TCP/EtherNet IP Gateway
For example: When Modbus command is configured as 03H (read holding register), when users input 40001 in
this item (Modbus register starting address), it will pop up the dialog box after confirming. When clicking OK,
PLC address 40001 will be converted into 0.
Data number: Register/switching value/coil numbers.
Memory mapping starting address (HEX): Data starting address in module memory buffer.
Address range that data is mapped in the module memory
Read command: 0x0000~0x01EB
Write command: 0x4000~0x41EB
Users can also use this area after write command is about local data exchange: 0x0000~0x01EB
Memory mapping bit offset (0~7): For the bit operation command, means the position where the start bit is in
the byte, range0~7
Byte swap: No swap, double byte swap and four-byte optional.
4.4.5 Comment Interface
Comment interface displays the explanation of relevant configuration item. For example, when configuring
data numbers, comment interface is shown below:
4.5 Conflict Detect
It is used to check whether there exists confliction in “memory mapping data”. If users find confliction, it can
be adjusted in time. The interface is shown below: