SSP North AB
Manual V2f
48 CAN (third level)
This menu indicates which baud-rate the unit is using on LED 1, 2, or 5:
1: 125kbit
2: 250kbit
3: 500kbit
In Figure 11.18 the unit is using a baud-rate of 250kbit (LED 2 is green).
11.9.4 Fatal error mode
When an internal or external error is detected, the unit can enter error state. In this
state all I/O are turned off, the radio and CAN communication stops, and the unit
displays an error code on the LED display.
Fatal error codes
The error codes are indicated on the LED display by all six menu LEDs lighting in red (N, I/O, U, M,
etc), and one or more numbered LEDs lighting up in red (in Figure 11.19 LEDs 2 and 9 are lighting,
indicating an undervoltage error). The error can be decoded by looking at the display and seeing
which LEDs are lighting up and finding the corresponding row in Table 11.1: Fatal error codes and
descriptions on page 49.
Figure 11.18
CAN level 3
Figure 11.19
Display of a unit
that is in fatal
error state.