SSP North AB
Manual V2f
The file menu contains commands for managing files and projects.
New Project (Ctrl+N)
Opens the project settings dialog for creating a new project.
Open Project (Ctrl+O)
Opens the default windows file selection dialog, where an already existing simple project file
can be selected and opened.
Save (Ctrl+S)
Saves the current project, overwriting the currently open project file. If the project has not been
saved before, the save file dialog will display, letting the user select a directory and a name for
the project file.
that the project file is the same as the file name, and if a new name is
selected for the file, the project will change its name to the new name.
Save As (Ctrl+Shift+S)
Opens the save file dialog where the user select a new directory and name and saves the
project in that location.
Close Project
Closes the current project. If the project has not been saved, the user is asked if the project
should be saved, or if the changes should be discarded.
Exit (Alt+F4)
Closes Simplifier Manager. If the project has not been saved, the user is asked if the project
should be saved, or if the changes should be discarded.
Edit commands
The Edit menu contains commands for editing the blocks in the currently open graph editor.
Undo (Ctrl+Z)
Undoes the last undoable change in the current node.
that some changes in the project
are not undoable.
Redo (Ctrl+Y)
Redoes the last undone change.
Cut (Ctrl+X)
Cuts the currently selected blocks from the graph editor. This is equivalent to doing
Copy (Ctrl+C)
Copies the currently selected blocks to the clipboard.
Paste (Ctrl+V)
Pastes the blocks that are in the clipboard, to the currently open graph editor.
Delete (Delete)
Deletes the currently selected elements from the graph editor.
The project menu contains commands for editing the currently open project.
New Node
Adds a new node to the project.
Project Settings
Opens the Project Settings dialog, where the project settings (Project Name, Responsible
Person, Organisation, Description), and radio settings (Channel, Short Timeout, Long
Timeout) can be changed.
Hardware Configuration
Opens the Hardware Configuration document.
Manage Passwords
Opens the Password Manager, where passwords can be set and changed.