Status Reporting Commands
(See tables at the end of the programming section for definitions of the status bytes.)
The *CLS command clears both status registers (standard event
register and LORAN status register). This command does not affect
the status enable registers.
*ESE(?) {i}
The *ESE command sets the standard event status byte enable register
to the decimal value i. The *ESE? query reads the value of the standard
event status byte enable register.
*ESR? {i}
The *ESR command reads the value of the standard event status
register. If the parameter i is present, the value of bit i is returned.
Reading this register will clear it. Reading bit i will clear just bit i.
The *IDN? query returns the FS700's device identification string. This
string is in the format: Stanford Research Systems, FS700, 0, version
number. "Version number " is the installed firmware version number.
*PSC(?) {i}
The *PSC command sets the value of the power-on status clear bit. If
this bit is set to 1, the three status enable registers will be cleared on
power up. If this bit is set to 0, the registers will retain the values they
had at power down. This allows the generation of power-on service
requests, etc. The *PSC? query returns the current value of the power-
on status clear bit.
The *RST command returns the FS700 to its default configuration. If
the FS700 is currently locked to a station, this command will cause the
FS700 to become unlocked.
*SRE(?) {i}
The *SRE command sets the serial poll status byte enable register to
the decimal value i. The *SRE? query reads the value of the serial poll
status byte enable register.
*STB? {i}
The *STB? query reads the value of the serial poll byte. If the
parameter i is present, the value of bit i is returned. Reading this
register does not affect its value.
SENA(?) {i}
The SENA command sets the LORAN status byte enable register to
the decimal value i. The SENA? query reads the value of the LORAN
status byte enable register.
STAT? {i}
The STAT query reads the value of the LORAN status byte. If the
parameter i is present the value of bit i is returned. Reading this
register will clear it. Reading bit i will only clear bit i.