Mounting Hardware Removal
Insert the threaded rod through the shaft eyelet until the push pin rests
against the bushing pin.
Thread the large, open end of the catcher along the rod until it rests on
the end spacer.
Hold the catcher secure with a 13 mm open end or adjustable wrench.
Use a second 13 mm or adjustable wrench to thread the push pin along
the rod until it stops against the end spacer.
Unthread the push pin from the threaded rod to remove the end spacer
and the bushing pin if it slides out easily.
If the bushing pin did not remove easily, unthread the push pin from
the threaded rod to remove the end spacer, then reinstall the push pin
onto the threaded rod.
Thread the large, open end of the catcher along the rod until it rests
against the shaft eyelet.
Use a 13 mm wrench to thread the push pin along the rod until it stops
against the eyelet shaft.
Unthread the push pin from the threaded rod to remove the bushing
Unthread the catcher from the threaded rod.
Remove the end spacer and bushing pin from the tool.
Repeat steps 2-5 for the damper eyelet.
Set the mounting hardware aside until you have finished servicing
the shock.
13 mm
13 mm
13 mm
13 mm