Shock Eyelet Service
S h o c k E y e l e t S e r v i c e
M o u n t i n g H a r d w a r e a n d B u s h i n g S e r v i c e
Prior to servicing the rear shock, remove it from the bicycle frame according to the bicycle manufacturer's instructions. Once the shock is removed
from the bicycle, remove the mounting hardware before performing any service. Replace bushings as needed.
P a r t s , T o o l s , a n d S u p p l i e s
• Super Deluxe Coil Service Kit - 200 hours
Safety and Protection Supplies
• Apron
• Clean, lint-free shop towels
• Nitrile gloves
• Safety glasses
Lubricants and Oils
• RockShox Dynamic Seal Grease
RockShox Tools
• RockShox 1/2" x 1/2" rear shock bushing removal/installation tool
Common Tools
• Open end wrenches: 13 mm (x2)
an adjustable wrench
• Bench vise with aluminum soft jaws
M o u n t i n g H a r d w a r e R e m o v a l
Some mounting hardware is easily removed using only your fingers. Try to
remove the end spacers with your fingernail or small screwdriver, then push
the bushing pin out of the bushing. If this works, continue to the next section.
If you are unable to remove the mounting hardware using your fingers, use
the RockShox rear shock bushing removal/installation tool.
Thread the small end of the push pin onto the threaded rod until the
rod is flush or slightly protrudes from the hex-shaped end of the
push pin.
Title Case
Threaded rod
Push pin